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Community Reputation

10 Good

About Techn0

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  1. I applaud BIS for taking a risk and theming the game in the future, I would love to see a sci-fi expansion with lasers, gauss guns and railguns . The new uniforms are really cool. I have read a lot of posts, both here and on Steam about how people cannot play unless the uniforms are authentic. Please that is a ridiculous reason not to enjoy a game. The uniforms fit the theme perfectly. BIS get my thumbs up for this game. I had hoped they would be a little more daring. To the people who claim this is more twitch based, you are wrong. As a long time player of the Quake and Unreal series (which are real twitch games unlike spam fests like CoD) I can tell you right now, Arma 3 is so far removed from that playstyle. The movement is more fluid and that's about it. if you run in full gear and then aim down sights your crosshair jumps all over the place. I don't know what these people claiming other wise have been playing, but they are just wrong. The amount of vehicles/assets rivals that of OFP. So lack of content? If by lack of content you mean single player, well you all know that's coming and most of the community play multi anyway. Lest we forget Steam Workshop and all the user made single player content that would provide you with with enough distraction till the campaigns are released. The performance online is better than Arma 2 on many missions, except wasteland of course. Domination plays well, that Annex map needs optimising and some of the servers themselves have terrible frame rates (something BIS can do nothing about). All in all I feel this was a solid release with enough content for multiplay.I am running the game on an overclocked i5 2500k @ 4.5Ghz