This is a list of the stuff that would be a part of my ideal PVP warfare mission. Most missions are doing some or most of what my list is describing, but they're all a little different. Keeping players aware and directed seems to be a problem for most. The only thing I didn't put into the list that would be fun is if there was maritime warfare too. Imagine having a submarine base-ship and then using weaponized submarines and scuba divers to fight for underwater complexes, or having helicopter carriers and littoral ships backed up by gunboats fight over islands and super tankers.
A class system to focus the players attention on particular roles, each with unique perks (Rocket Infantry, Sniper, LMG Infantry, Engineer, Officer, Light Infantry, Assault Infantry, Spec Ops, Recon)
Loadouts should be somewhat customizable through a store, but make some items/weapons class-specific
Remove the unfun sights/scopes for guns and vehicles (IR, and night vision scopes) and only let AT infantry equip RPGs/PCML, and the expensive AA Titan
Make each class visually distinct by default
No 3rd Person mode
Team Organization
A squad creation window where we can create custom squads and make them invite-only
Some kind of tag for teammates and a unique one for squadmates (It could just be the gray hexagon for team, and a green or blue one for our squad)
The map should have lines to indicate linked territories, and symbols to indicate players, vehicles, and the type of capture point.
2 or 3 factions competing over capture points
Each faction starts with a large, undeveloped, and walled military base that can be filled with buildings like a vehicle factory, armory, or hangar/helipad in per-determined locations
The buildings are meant to access everything beyond the default equipment for each class.
AI are strictly limited to static defenses
Items are bought at the relevant building with money and earned through killing, capturing, defending, winning, or simply completing a match.
Other stuff
Randomly generated matches
Small and large scale matches, spanning a single capture point up to maybe 20+ places between both main bases
Different capture point classes(Large bases, Medium Bases, Outposts, Cities, Towns) with their own unique capture mechanics (Secure a majority of a city or base, destroy these buildings/objects, hold the outpost HQ for x amount of time, exhaust the enemies spawn tickets, etc...)
The size of bases and population centers should the difficulty of capture.
The main bases are vulnerable to attack if the team is pushed back to it
Some level of persistence with money and player history, and maybe achievements at some point