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Posts posted by fumanwho

  1. Hi.

    I believe that one day, not far away, the Bohemia Interactive regret some choices done, ​​without taking into account, what it was before ArmA for the community.

    This new way of giving updates with the dropper is carrying a number of difficulties for developers of multiplayer events...and not only to them!

    It's impossible to do anything if there isnt all materials together, and BIS know this very well.

    So their new policy is aimed at the more casual gamer that the veterans fans,this was a title for adult audience and mature....we will see in the future if your decisions were right!

    The new update dosent improve nothing about optimizations in the game,what was been done to the patch vers. 1.2,indeed, there is a drop in frame rate in general, and frankly I did not feel the need for it.

    Of course, those who is playing in SP dosent feel the problem about MP, then there's even a campaign three new weapons ... what more could you want?

    Seems that every update them distribute candy to the kids...and in fact ...they treat us as such!

    And how have taught to answer when somebody give you a little present?


    Ok...thanks so much for this Chupa chups BIS!

    Next one?....new sunglasses?....different hat color?...a fog light for the quad?

    How long i must still wait just for get all packet vanilla?.....because I have a right to know, since I paid for it!

    After 12 years that i follow you like a great fan...this is unacceptable over that inconceivable be treated so!


    Why didnt you just wait until all the content was finished before you bought the game?

  2. This is really off topic from the thread, seriously. And could very well be against forum rules.
    If the motivations and psychology of why bis did what they did, is up for discussion. Which it is, in every page on every thread. Then the motivations of forum members should also be.

  3. The new Thiaf game is MASSIVE decline

    Wanna bet most of you will buy it and like it?

    Post by: MetalCraze, Yesterday at 11:40 PM in forum: General Gaming



    Even Call of Duty: Ghosts is going PC hipster these days

    Why? It would make a fitting addition to the rest of your Day 1 purchases

    Post by: MetalCraze, Yesterday at 11:38 PM in forum: General Gaming



    Even Call of Duty: Ghosts is going PC hipster these days

    Yet you still will buy it come Nov 5th

    Post by: MetalCraze, Yesterday at 1:05 AM in forum: General Gaming



    Even Call of Duty: Ghosts is going PC hipster these days

    What's wrong with shooting russians?

    Post by: MetalCraze, Wednesday at 1:52 AM in forum: General Gaming



    Screenshot thread

    No more like the dude is trying to be edgy about complete fixing some of the most glaring issues with Stalker.

    Post by: MetalCraze, Tuesday at 8:09 PM in forum: General Gaming



    Age of Wonders 3

    Yeah so what are you and other people doing in this thread then? Since you know graphics and gameplay are made by the same people.

    Post by: MetalCraze, Sunday at 1:46 PM in forum: Strategy Gaming



    Screenshot thread

    I installed SGM 2.2. It dropped me into SoC's cordon and 100m later everybody started shooting at me. I uninstalled SGM 2.2.

    Post by: MetalCraze, Sunday at 1:42 PM in forum: General Gaming



    Paradise Lost

    Oh look another Shit Indie Game

    Post by: MetalCraze, Sunday at 1:53 AM in forum: General Gaming



    Worthwhile WW2 games

    Combat Mission series

    Post by: MetalCraze, Oct 26, 2013 in forum: Strategy Gaming



    Codex Diversity Squad (Steam Multiplayer Group)

    What can change a genre of a game?

    Post by: MetalCraze, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: General Gaming



    I was ready for fun but then Bohemia Interactive cockblocked me

    Well they just released a first campaign episode on dev branch. Haven't touched it yet but people say it's like Call of Duty where you are being hand...

    Post by: MetalCraze, Oct 24, 2013 in forum: Sims & City Builders



    Codex Diversity Squad (Steam Multiplayer Group)

    Games of the Weak

    Post by: MetalCraze, Oct 23, 2013 in forum: General Gaming



    Codex Diversity Squad (Steam Multiplayer Group)

    The game of the week will be waiting in PoE's queue

    Post by: MetalCraze, Oct 23, 2013 in forum: General Gaming



    Titanfall (Respawn shooter)

    Yeah games play differently. Surprise! Those are not concepts. Those are retards grinding every inch of a level to death instead of enjoying the...

    Post by: MetalCraze, Oct 23, 2013 in forum: General Gaming



    So, season 3 of Homeland is terrible and not worth anyone's time?

    What a load of bullshit. Why the fuck did she act surprised her credit cards were canned? That her deposits were frozen? It isn't like anyone was...

    Post by: MetalCraze, Oct 23, 2013 in forum: Codex Public Library

    Everything is shit fuck everthing etc etc etc.................

  4. You are the most fantastic person I've ever seen on this forum. Godspeed.

    Oh, by the way, metal apparently acts like even more like a nutcase on his home forums of RPG codex, where I swear they idolize him for saying that EA is better than BIS. 10% legitimate argument, 90% I-hate-Czech-hatemail.

    ( http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/i-was-ready-for-fun-but-then-bohemia-interactive-cockblocked-me.81019/ )



    metalcraze -->"But overall I can say it's the best ArmA game to date."

    metalcraze -->"But overall I can say it's the best ArmA game to date."

    metalcraze -->"But overall I can say it's the best ArmA game to date."

    metalcraze -->"But overall I can say it's the best ArmA game to date."

    metalcraze -->"But overall I can say it's the best ArmA game to date."

    metalcraze -->"But overall I can say it's the best ArmA game to date."

    Insults dyslexi in the first post then praises him later??

    That thread is gold. And i havent even finished it yet. I didnt know forums could be as bad as youtube comments. Its like 4chan only not funny or smart. I guess man children should have their own forum.

  5. it's called mainstreaming. Basically, the only people who were interested in games used to be nerds and geeks, aka the smart guys. Then games became popular and "cool" and companies began finding ways to make games appeal to not just nerds, but normal people as well. But this wasn't enough, so now they've gone "full retard" so to speak, and are targeting the clinically braindead like the call of duty and battlefield types.
    Lol this stinks of eliteism you have no idea how gaming has progressed. Gaming is much broader than the narrow child like analysis you have offered up here.
    with all this dumbing down going on, collateral damage was bound to be inflicted upon games like red orchestra 2 and arma 3. Afterall, if you aren't able to "broaden your user base" ie dumb your game down to moron levels, you cannot make a decent profit.
    Nothing has been dumbed down in a3. Why do the users of the forum have to put up with something so false and clearly designed to troll. Anyone who has played arma3 knows there have not been any major changes.

  6. Nah the differences are even simpler than that:

    ArmA2 was a labor of passion. The amount of features in it proves BIS wanted to make a giant quality leap from A1.

    ArmA3 is just a quick cash in. Which is also proven by the "campaign" episode 1. There's not a single new feature and a ton missing.

    Every thing you said is factually and demostratable wrong. I dont see how it is in any way acceptable for you to post something so far from the truth. Making things up a is stupid and pointless tactic that never acheives anything but pointless forum arguing. This forum is now dumber and less usefull as a place of discussion because of your actions and your wrongly held belief in the power of overexaggerated forum whine campaigns.

    So you have a few otions in how you respond

    1. Personal attack

    2. Reword what you posted as if that some how deals with your bs

    3. Move the goal post by bringing in others things i am not talking about.

    4. Ignore my post

    5. Play the victum card

    6. Declare that there is conspiracy against "truth telling"

    7. Reply with a post full of backseat game developing and simulation fever.

    8. Play the customer card.

    9. Play the "dont talk about what i posted. Talk about what im mean card"

    There would be a number 10. But you posting a "hey i didnt mean it i just didnt think my post through" is not going to happen ever.

  7. I'm not going to open a new topic, so I'll just write it down where it's most appropriate; I think.

    I have purchased a hard copy of Arma3 and so far I only played it twice, reasons for this are the folowing:

    1.Graphical performance is horrible, ok my computer isn't that great, but It could run Arma2 on the max settings without trouble. I need to get a new computer, but I didn't expect it to be this bad.

    2.Walking/moving, I got used to the new buttons quite quickly, but moving in this game feels so unrealistic. I was just boiling with anoyance during running. In Arma 2 you didn't have this many stances, but the ones you had felt ok, here it's the opposite, many stances, few feel ok.

    3.Mouse movement, it's supposed to be easier then in Arma2, but it just isn't. I can't explain what's wrong with it, it just is. (and yes, I've fiddled aro

    und with the settings)

    3.extra: the steering ratio with a mouse compared to on foot is completly wrong.

    4.The future thing and developers designing their own vehicles. I've always been reserved towards this and while you might design some cool things, I feel most of them are just own creations for the sake of it. (ex. the MI-48)

    1 I have 4.6ghz 16gb ram sdd and a recent dx11 card. Arma 3 runs better for me then arma 2 did on the same hardware. 3 Do you have freelook on? Alot of people find it unusable in a3 compared to a2.

    4 You are not alone in this, but there have been incremental improvements. Especially with how the weapons handle, there is a differance between the katiba, mx and trg, that just wasnt there in a2. In a2 i didnt care if i used an ak47 or m16. there just wasnt a big differance between weapons of the same caliber. Most of the vehicles in a3 exist in some sahpe or form. Ifritt, hunter, t100,mekerva etc etc. I believe bis dropped a ton of the more futuristic weapons and vehicles to try to bring the game back to something more modern. As there was a shitstorm on the forums with things being to futuristic (rail gun tanks). Thats why there is less content than what there should be at this stage of development.

  8. Yes, very much so an opinion. but one question for you, in your opinion, do you really believe enhancing that realism aspect is a bad thing?
    No. I want it all. I agree with nearly every idea to increase realism. DCS flight. Steel beasts armour. Most of the things asked for on the forum.

    If some one does wasteland for mil sim i would play the fuck out of that. But you cant code pubbers. Even pr which tried very hard to code in incentives for team play didnt quiet work that well. As for wasteland it can be a nightmare but on the whole wasteland for a2 had lots of emergent combat and team play. I dont understand why some people think its just a cod like death match.

    To make a server work together you need to attract team work mil sim oriented players. I think the only way to do that is have 5 - 10 players from your clan on all the time setting the tone of the server. So like minded people who work as a team will remember the server and will come back for more.

    Even though wasteland had some good team work in a2. I am convinced that the pool of mil sim team work pubbers is much larger now then a2, there is alot less assholes and way more communication happening on the servers i am on. Lots of people using comms. Lots of people using direct, which i remember rarely happening in other arma's. Some of that could be down to altis. As it is huge, so people have more time to chat and fighting is more difficult due to the huge amount of cover and concelment. You cant just sit on a hill and win. I think dayz brought a huge boost in the number of people who are team work oriented.

  9. Ok, I've been thinking... Arma 3 is no longer considered a mil sim, so I've heard. But it's not over, and people in this Community can help.

    It all starts with my idea - A flicker of light.


    Remember games like Dayz, and Wasteland? They have their own crowd, fans, and dedicated players alike. People enjoy things like that. But now, i came up with an idea for a game. A mod. It is called Immersion. When you think of Immersion what do you think? What do feel it should be like? Well here is my solution. Immersion is a game mode, it will have to be launched via. Play with six much like Dayz, or by it's own launcher. It will have to consist of mods made you, the community, to a point that all content fits together like puzzle pieces making a master piece. Realistic Weapons, Vehicles, Factions, Sounds (most important), and things that make it a sim. For example, if there is to be CAS, it shouldn't be able to maneuver like an RC airplane. The basic model of this mode called Immersion, is what i would image to be simple war games hosted around Altis. Many factions can play at one time, or maybe a select few factions, all having sides, and alliances. It will have to be TvT (Team vs. Team), or even TvTvT. It will be organized, but it will have be fun as well, allowing freedom using all of the map, Atlis. This is my idea. I can use your help guys, i need you to give me your opinions of this, and how you can make it work.

    - NOTE - This is only an Idea i thought out, and i would like to talk about it generally with people, including any community devs if possible.

    Your premise is demonstrably false i could post 6 pages of arma 3 mil sim groups. How much of a sim or game arma is. Is a matter of opinion.

  10. you cant see past the furniture anymore...I was talking about other problems people are saying the furniture causes..adding it is easy. now calm yourself..unless your on bis payroll I don't see why your getting so upset
    If you can torture people as well you can torture logic. I know a camp in cuba that would give you a job.

  11. I cant believe this is still being debated. Maybe if they stopped "windows me'ing the rv engine" a lot of these issues that are still prevalent today would be eliminated and furniture wouldn't cause such a drain on the system and we could all live in peace.
    One minute its easy fix for 3d modelers to do in 15 mins. Now you are saying its a performance issue. Do you understand that you have made two contradicting arguments? There wont be peace until people stop throwing around baseless accusations. Look at the armour thread.

  12. Im done with this stupid argument. They obviously dont care and arguing amonst ourselves accomplishes nothing. And I'm not comparing sahrani to anything. But I don't see how a few chairs will effect mp.

    All I'm saying is these people are video game designers. That would be like rockstar releasing gta5 without hookers. They may not be integral to the game but they certainly add to it ;)

    This is so full of bs. "All I'm saying is these people are video game designers" No what you said was they were assholes for not putting furniture in. "That would be like rockstar releasing gta5 without hookers" or multiplayer?????

    This argument boils down to its easy so they should have done it. Have you seen the huge list of easy feature requests? Why should they have picked furniture? Were they not busy doing other things like make arma 3? Did all the katibas, mx's, hunters, ifitts,ghosthawks etc etc just appear out of thin air? Did they get them for free? Was there no effort involded in making all the stuff thats in the game? Why is it acceptable for you to completly ignore everthing that has been done. Why is it acceptable for you to post this bs? I dont know why they didnt prioritise furniture and you certainly dont know ether. So to make the argument that they should have with out knowing why they did not. Is complete and utter bs.

  13. You glossed over the fact that M1lkm8n has singlehandedly produced a full map port, and then took dozens of the closed BI shared buildings, gave them interiors, configured ALL the LOD's and pathed them ALL to rubble models, and added furniture (often two different version), animated doors, and shattering glass to most of them in the period of 6 months from home in his spare time?

    Click ALL the links in my sig... those are all the work of largely JUST m1lkm8n over the past 6 months. I have touched literally NOTHING on the map and neither has ANYONE else, and only 2 or 3 other folks have contributed bits and pieces to the buildings... it has ALL been him, and he's a full time employed father of 2

    Bad Benson has also made more progress in character animations than any other community member I know of, other that Smookie who is now a BI Developer... So neither of them are commenting from the same place of ignorance you are.... you might want to stop and think about that before you go telling people they're not adhering to facts.

    Finite resources = Finite game.

    ---------- Post added at 02:38 ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 ----------

    Some one spent six months on a map therefore and i am directly quoting here "We've become so used to bis taking a dump on our heads " is ok to say?. Total bs. No furniture does not = "taking a dump on our heads". The most bug free arma ever. Compared to crysis for graphics. The best map of any tactical shooter i have ever played. Better ai, backpacks, inventory,mines,scuba,movement,sound design,particle effects,wind,lighting,uavs,enterable buildings,destruction,armour hit modeling,penetration,arty ammo for 30 euros. Oh ya they really fucked us over they forgot to put a couch in what a bunch of assholes, i think i will write a post informing them of thier poor performance.

    If ya want to see a company take a dump on their customers heads look at sim city, season passes, first day unlocks,in game dlc,in game ads for dlc.

    Well sim city is a very differant game, lets try a little closer to home, any one playing delta force? ghost recon? ro2? not really the tac shooters they used to be.

    Arma and pr are the last tactical shooters left. This forum is overrun with people who have no perspective on how bad things could be. A medium sized company is making a game with massive scope and triple a graphics. And you should be happy that they are because games that dont update their graphics go the way of wwiiol.

  14. I can't believe people are still arguing wether or not there should be furniture in the houses.

    The fact of the mater is it's not that hard to do and it shoulda been done before they ever released arma3 1.0. How can you call it 1.0 (and I know the shlew of other problems) when not a single structure has any furniture in it.

    The only thing I can think of is that they have only one modeler. I mean say there's one house model made. You save as house model #2. Boom now you have two models you can add different furniture to so everything's not 100% the same. Not hard.

    And as far as devoting resources to other things like bigger battles or whatnot..that a separate (or should be) team of people. You have your coders working on those things and modelers working on structures and whatnot that include some type of furniture.

    We've become so used to bis taking a dump on our heads that we are ready to write off the fact that this has been passed off to us as 1.0

    -note. I love bis and their games. It's because of this love I am so critical. :)

    Hi milky i love you, so its ok to be critical. Instead of putting furniture into houses bis did other things. If you are wondering what they did then load up arma 3 and check it out. Your argument is nonsensical, and without merit. I want furniture, armour interiors, weapon resting/bipods, tons of other features and stuff.I wont get it all and no game will ever give me all i wish for.

    The problem with your post isnt that you asked for stuff. Its that you did so without spending one second considering anything else. Finite resources = Finite game.

    Could they have put furniture in?? I know for a fact, that i dont know if they could or couldnt. I dont know. And you dont know. You are just another case of some one on the internet pretending to be a game designer with out knowing absolutely anything about what needs to be done or how much it costs in man power or even if its technically feasable. I am certain you know as much as me which is sfa. Use the forum to ask for stuff but dont try to add something you could not possible know about, as a fact to back up your post. Use facts dont manufacture them.

  15. Evidence and using simple tests to establish facts about how the game actually works has no place on this forums sir. Mods ban DM. Do it quick before this spreads to other threads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ---------- Post added at 18:45 ---------- Previous post was at 18:45 ----------

    Evidence and using simple tests to establish facts about how the game actually works has no place on this forums sir. Mods ban DM. Do it quick before this spreads to other threads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. 327.23. I'm more focused on modding things and i don't check the vehicles very often, but as far as i know PIP has been flickering always.


    The data source is variable and abstract. The average is what matters in this case, and at some point more than one GPU is completely useless. Plus the mentioned glitches.

    Of course this is based on my hardware only.

    This does not measure gpu usage as you are stressing your cpu. You need to test against things that affect the gpu exclusively. I am pretty sure you know this already but i will just mention it anyways. The gpu is used for drawing. It is not used for ai.

  17. It's a well known fact that performance with A3 doesn't scale very well. It has been so since the beginnings of time.

    But how much?, I already thought that the relationship wouldn't be proportional, but today after a bunch of tests the conclusion was funnier than expected. Using SLI or dual GPU cards is mainly a waste of money and electrical power. Of course talking only about A3.

    With dual GPUs not only you get an annoying PIP flickering, more stuttering, more frame lags, and even a more noticeable object popping. The more stress, the more useless is the second GPU until a point where the fps are exactly the same, literally.

    This is the average resulting graph. I wasn't expecting this.

    Core i7 2600k @4,5 Ghz

    GTX 590 3GB

    32GB DDR-1600

    2x SSD Sata 3 RAID0


    Since today my settings for A3 in the Nvidia control panel are single GPU. Some fps are lost above a certain threshold, but the benefits (PIP, stuttering, ...) are worth those fps.

    This test doesnt tell us anything about how well arma 3 handles sli as the ai is calculated on the cpu, you have to use only settings that affect the gpu exclusively. Also there must be something wrong with your data collection script did you use some kind of averageing. Because its impossible to get straight lines, you need to check your script.

    ---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 20:20 ----------

    woops didnt see average comment, could you post the raw data

  18. I do not know anyone at Dice, or BIS (Besides 'Hall), and that is besides to point of whom i may have contact to. The point is standards. The sounds are improvements over Arma 2 indeed, but that is just the sounds. The Engine for the sounds on the other hand, don't play much. Shoot a rifle, and listen to how fast the sound is gone. It is almost like a Wav. file, but no effects to go with it. Shoot inside a bunker. It sounds the same as on the outside. Shoot in the forest... sounds the same. Shoot in a a town. It sounds the same. No re-verb like there would be in real life caused by the sound wave traveling and bouncing off of stuff. I do believe though, that BI can manage these improvements over time.
    Are you just asking for improvement on what we have or are you asking for the audio engine to be as advanced as bf4? Thats why i asked about the man hour thing i thought your first post was asking bis to bring their audio tech up to bf4 standards, so if you were asking then you must know something about the available resources at bis and dice. Those resources would have to be the same.

  19. I'm more and more convinced you haven't actually read anything I've written in this thread. You've written 1188 words (each one of which I've read at least twice) disagreeing with my point so far, all I ask (again) is that you summarise what it is you disagree with in two sentences:

    Until then, I can't imagine that we're actually communicating so anything more I write would be a waste.

    He wont answer without adding a load of offtopic waffle, if he answers at all.