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About T1DSecure

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. We have a new 64 slot server running for ARMA 3 thats open to the PUBLIC, all you need is a few basic mods to enjoy a fast game! Find our server by putting Tango1Down into your filter. Don't forget a recent bug limits your connection. Be sure to use GameSpy instead of Steam. Hit up our server and let us know what you think. If you want to know more about us you can find our site at http://tango1down.com , you don't have to be a member to register. Hang out have a good time. Looking for ARMA 3 Fanatics to Help Build this community! Tango1Down Game Server: Tango1Down - Tango1Down.com (Public) Tango1Down TeamSpeak Info: tx2.progamerhosting.com:9063 Password: tango1down
  2. T1DSecure

    Squad.xml not working properly

    Finally got it working what my issue was is the image had to be 512x512, great mod and addition to our clan.
  3. T1DSecure

    Whats the secret to building a good clan?

    This is some great advice, there are a lot of suggestions that I never even considered, just as simple as being in the same time zone. Looks like I have some discussion to have with the squad.. ;)
  4. T1DSecure

    Whats the secret to building a good clan?

    Thats some good advice and we leaned that way recently with having one of our servers public and making sure it runs good, we are a few older guys so thick skin is recommended. I will use some of your suggestions and take a closer look at what we can do to increase participation. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
  5. I was wondering what the secret is to building a good clan and getting people to play. I see hundreds of servers available to play on but never more than a handful of people using them. Considering the popularity of ARMA I would have guessed that there would be more activity, am I looking in the wrong places or are there recruitment methods that work better than others. We have some solid people in our clan it just seems that on a good night we may have 7 or so players on, and about 3 on off nights on our public server. Looking for some suggestions from you ARMA ol'timers.
  6. I found the fix for my problem. I was using the wrong SThud mod, I guess the right mod for the right version works best LOLOL. The correct version can be found here if anyone needs it. URL REMOVED
  7. I was able to get the screen to come up but it appears empty and I get this error when initializing ARMA3 CACharacters not found? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  8. Hello All, I have been using the FA18 mod and it is absolutely fantastic, really awesome job on this. I just upgraded to.054 from Rory_pamphilon and I am getting the following two errors. MPmissions/__CUR_MP.altis\mission.sqm/mission/vehicles/item1.vehicle:vehicle class JS_JC_FA18F no longer exists JS_JC_FA18\scripts\misc\FA18_foldwings.sqf Not Found Thanks
  9. T1DSecure

    Top Gun [SP/Coop 1-16]

    RP those jets look awesome! I got them to show but getting two errors: MPmissions/__CUR_MP.altis\mission.sqm/mission/vehicles/item1.vehicle:vehicle class JS_JC_FA18F no longer exists JS_JC_FA18\scripts\misc\FA18_foldwings.sqf Not Found
  10. T1DSecure

    Top Gun [SP/Coop 1-16]

    Thanks for getting back to me, when I click on the F18 mod this is what I get. You're not allowed to do this. Redirecting...
  11. T1DSecure

    Top Gun [SP/Coop 1-16]

    Hello all , getting errors with this update, it's telling me I am missing vehicles (F18) and when I log into the game there are portions of the F18 missing, did I miss another update? Thanks
  12. I tried just about every combination of that. The editor in the game does not open the MPmission files to allow me to mod them? Thanks
  13. Is this for single player only or will it work on CooP? Thanks for your work on this.
  14. I must be the blindest gamer on earth., I have spent two days on this computer trying to add the other radios to the game. I have found everything I ever wanted to know about installing ACRE into ARMA3 but not nadda zilch on how to get the additional radios on the maps, The closest I came was an addthis code but no explanation on where it goes or how to do it. Some help would be awesome. P.S. I made it through 98 pages and wanted to shoot myself AND i AM SURE THE INFO IS IN THE LAST 4 lolol Thanks