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Everything posted by Darksnake23

  1. Darksnake23

    Over all bad quality

    It's like they don't see or care about what happens... They say they do but they also have all these problems and then you look at the patch notes each time and you see tiny things like "tiny spec A renamed to Tiny Spec B When no one is able to play" I mean really WTF
  2. Darksnake23

    Low FPS

    Do you really believe that? How long has Arma 2 Been out? I still can't play that game efficiently. No, It's multiplayer wasn't messed up but still. I highly doubt any of us will get our true monies worth of this game... I have already asked for a refund and been told that "It's is a known issue and It's happening to everyone." basically they are telling me to deal with the fact that i dropped good, hard-earned money onto a game that wasn't finished nor polished enough to be even allowed to be sold. I mean hell, We have to wait god knows how long for the first friggin campaign WHICH I will add IS a must for basically any game these days. I mean if you are going to just release the multiplayer, Which is the only reason i got the game, Why would you not make it THE TOP of your menial priority list? Since everyone is complaining about this single thing. I'd say It is the single MOST IMPORTANT thing going wrong with this right now. If 95% or so of your consumer base has THE SAME PROBLEM and all you do is tell them that "We know it's going on and we are getting to it." How does that reasure us any? We see little progress, if any, The only people able to play are the Cpu/Gpu configs that it seems you actually tested you game on. Those are the only systems that seem like you did any optimization on. Its like you took a lower end computer, a middle tier computer, and a higher tier computer and tried all of them and made them optimized perfectly and said F everyone else we will make 5% happy? I know you guys aren't trying to be Aholes but i mean come on. This feels like some what of the same shit EA got worst company of the year award for... Please either fix our shit, Or refund all these good people whos game is unplayable back their money...