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Alpha Whiskey Romeo

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Posts posted by Alpha Whiskey Romeo

  1. Watchdogs. Yet another console turd + plagued by uplay. Wasted potential.

    I've been browsing some reviews opinions and I'm getting such impression as above ^

    Yes?No? What's yours?


    No real issues on my end but a lot of people are experiencing terrible performance, bugs, CTD's and BSOD's. I received a BSOD when I clicked "New Game" for the first time. :plain:

    Visually speaking it's nothing to write home about, though it does look great at night and in inclement weather. The controls are as you would expect and function well, but the mouse acceleration is absolutely terrible and hampers movement. Driving is sub-par and the vehicles feel like they have no inertia. Think Saints Row and you are on the right track. You can remap the keys and adjust the myriad of graphics options to your liking until you reach that perfomance level you're comfortable with. Most users are having extreme stuttering and lag while driving where your frames will be steady, then plummet into the teens and single digits. I had the exact same problem and had to run a tweak inside the command parameter. It seems to work... Sometimes.

    On the game-play side of the house it's pretty much what you saw in the trailers. There is such a huge amount of things to do that I spent my first four hours simply doing side missions, having not touched the SP portion at all. I did experience several invasions by other players which was really tense. Attempting to locate and stop the hacker that's hacking you or hacking another player is a lot of fun. I haven't touched the other MP modes yet, but I may down the road when Ubi fixes their damn game. So much wasted potential and overt hype. Is it fun? Yes. Is it ground breaking and innovative? Absolutely not.

    System w/Ultra game settings

    i7 3930k OC'd to 4.7GHz

    16GB RAM DDR3 1866MHz CV

    GTX 680 OC'd

    Running on a SSD

  2. Oh come on... those videos are insanely anal.

    I'm sure someone could make a video showing tons of details WD has that IV doesn't.

    The WD developers haven't been sitting and using GTA as a template to copy every detail.

    Different game, different company and besides the first game in a new series. The GTA devs are notorious for their attention to tiny detail.

    With that said WDs style is undeniably challenging GTA and oh man… I thought the graphics would be waaay nicer. What the hell happened?

    I’ve totally been expecting this to be a 8 +/- 1 game though.

    I was going to buy the big edition but then I started thinking and the only cool thing is the statue which is only cool if you really get into the game and the standard edition doesn’t really offer anything that interests me so I’m just going to pirate it and if it’s really good then maybe I’ll buy the inevitable Gold edition with all DLC.

    You might be a "Authority on biology, computers, science and video games", but you sure as fuck can't read, because you just violated the BI Forums ToS by discussing warez and pirating.

  3. Uhh huh.

    So after testing six cards we immediately halted testing. The game was a mess, the results all over the place with many anomalies and offsets, Ultra Quality settings at Ultra HD would even use up to 6+ GB on the graphics memory. Ultra HD became a stutter-fest especially in-game at road at crossings and with cars passing by.

    Concluding then, as much as we like games to stress graphics cards we are a little puzzled. Watch Dogs is not a game that looks mouth-watering good, I mean it is nice and all, but it is just that. To see graphics card struggle this much over graphics memory is weird to see. However if you use our guidelines then your frame-rate should remain very acceptable and the game playable whilst looking good. You will still run into the occasional stutters here and there as it is the nature of the game engine I'm afraid.


    ---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

    Ubisoft propaganda drone strike? :p


  4. Excellent news! I've been looking for a decent Armee de Terre addon ever since A3 released. I was hoping you guys would be making a move to A3 as I always enjoyed OFrP, going all the way back to OFP. Out of curiosity, any chance of a Operation Serval related terrain?

    I'm in the process of porting a Rafale if you're interested.



  5. Here's the issue - I'm attempting to get a fixed-wing aircraft (any FW aircraft) to engage a ground target with a LGB from a specific height (1000). The aircraft will ascend to that elevation, however, when the laser is activated, it descends back down to it's default release altitude. These bombs were designed to be dropped at 20,000+ feet, so I'm not asking for much with regards to a 1000 foot bomb deployment altitude.

    Anyway to implement this?

  6. Is the current issue Australian helmet not the RBH303-AU ?? http://www.rabintex.com/ProductView.asp?ID=8 / http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enhanced_Combat_Helmet_%28Australia%29 The RBH-303AU / ACH will be included in the next release, maybe only some base variants before the special forces and cam variants are completed, i had a whole folder of images of the RBH in game, but seem to of misplaced it all i have is this:


    eventually before or after release variants of the RBH will be setup to be looking like the following:


    The reason a put the MICH2/PASGT on the DPCU units was more down the the fact it associates better with the main era of DPCU from the 90's through to 2004, two factions of units will probably be available to reflect the different era's of equipment to some extent is the thinking........

    I should add the our ACH ( I Refer to it as RBH303-AU to be technical and seperate it from the American ACH) includes 5 Variants at the moment, including ones with headphones, headsets, earpieces and what not

    Outstanding mate. Looking forward to it's inclusion.
