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Everything posted by ange1u5

  1. ange1u5

    [MP][RACE] Atlis & Stratis Race maps

    Mission in question Savage refers to is mine when trying it out :D I sent you a PM the other day, I'd really appreciate trying to learn how you programmed in the Timer, race position and relative race position UI for my own mission. I've tried looking through your files to understand it with little luck :P Any help is very appreciated :)
  2. So I need some suitable text to pop up when a player finishes the race but I need it to display different texts to other players as well. Being a race mission I would like it so the winning player sees something like below: cuttext [format ["Congratulations %1, you have won!",name p1],"PLAIN DOWN",1]; But it must only be sent to the winning player, I need to know how to define what the winning player will be since I'm only naming a specific player above. I also need another set of text transmitted to the other players saying they lost, again with their specific name being called, and perhaps the winners name as well. So in short: Winning player gets his own congratulatory message Losing players get the same message but still see who the winning player was How might this be possible? Is there a better text method I can use to display it?
  3. Ah I see, its set to look at diverpool at the moment (which is empty) and not crewpool as I was expecting. Thank you :)
  4. When I do a zone for naval units and spawn light or heavy vehicles, it spawns the boats fine but never any crew/driver? Am I missing something here? I did have a view through the thread, I couldn't find any reference to it, but I didn't look over 90 pages in that much detail =P
  5. Hello good people. So I need some help ending my mission and there are two parts to this. The first should be straightforward, but I'm not a programmer and going through the intro sequence camera intro I have doesn't help me in this matter. Its a race mission and basically when the mission ends, I want it to go to an external camera, from the air (or birds eye view) which focuses on the finish point (object name is finishgate) and rotates slowly around that point. Now here comes the hard part: Being a race, whilst this sequence occurs, would it be possible to have dynamic results page show up which shows the position of each racer as the end finishes? The only way I can see this working is having a marker at the finish line and basically showing how far away each player is from this marker and then order that sequentially I guess based on who finished first then each closest person after that. It doesn't matter too much if the latter is not possible, but if I could just get an end sequence done even if it just says 'Mission Completed' that would be great! All help appreciated :)
  6. I've only found a couple of threads on this subject, and there is no obvious help/solution to what I need. All I want is to activate the race timer Karts DLC added. I've examined the race mission created by DnA, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to actually activate that timer. Has anyone made any progress on how to do this?
  7. ange1u5

    Race timer (Karts)...

    Well doesn't look like it =P
  8. So for my mission I have a fairly simple intro sequence created for me by a friend, for which I've edited as I need. The camera tracks a plane whilst focusing on the players position as it flies overhead. Once the plane flies overhead and comes near the object defined, it moves to exit the camera sequence, return control to the player and begins the mission. However, every fairly rare once in a while, the planes bug out and the camera sequence does not complete. If this happens, the camera never exits because it doesn't hit the required position. I need a failsafe backup if you will to terminate the camera after a specific time if the other 'if' statement has not been met to ensure that even if the intro does crap itself, the camera will still exit eventually and the mission can continue. Below is the full code of the sequence:
  9. Marvellous. Works exactly as I want it to. Many thanks mate :)
  10. Hello everyone. I've been hard at work on a new, much bigger version of my Great Altis Highway Race mission. This version includes multiple courses as a selection as well as other improvements and options. As are result the mission itself is now 10 times bigger than before, with alot more going on under the hood in order to execute all parameters. I therefore need to test its stability under heavy loads, which means more than 2-3 people helping me. The mission supports 14 racers and 4 observer slots, ideally I'd like a minimum of 6-7 players, able to test 3 or 4 of the courses for me, with different parameters used each time. I will need to test this on both Dedicated Servers and through regular multiplayer hosting. Be prepared for bugs and things not working as expected :P If you are interested, please PM me on the forums, or contact me through my Steam profile. Thanks!
  11. Edit, wrong forum, ignore
  12. ange1u5

    [MP] Kart Race Tracks

    I don't suppose there's been much progress on this front of deciphering the timer stuff fully?
  13. Yes me again with another dedicated server issue. Trying to get skiptime to work as a parameter for dedicated servers but having no luck. Here's code I'm currently using: description.ext: //paramsArray[1] class TimeOfDay { title = "Time of Day:"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 ,20,21,22,23}; texts[] = {"0000","0100","0200","0300","0400","0500","0600", "0700","0800","0900","1000","1100","1200","1300","1400","1500","1600","1700","1800","1900","2000","2100","2200","2300"}; default = 10; }; init.sqf if isserver OR isDedicated then { private "_t"; _t = paramsarray select 1; if (_t == 99) then { _t = random 24 }; skiptime ((_t - daytime + 24) % 24); }; Works fine outside of dedicated of course :P
  14. Because I'm a coding noob and only vaguely know what I'm doing :D
  15. Hi there. I need to delete alot of markers depending on a mission parameter (we're talking hundreds). Atm I'm just doing it individually with DeleteMarker. I've done a bit of searching but I can't find the right code to turn this into a nice easy array instead. Who can help me? :)
  16. I suppose I can do that, but I would still need an array of code I guess to change them to invisible for when they are not needed. Zenophon, thanks I'll try this! ---------- Post added at 18:39 ---------- Previous post was at 18:31 ---------- Excellent, that works a treat Zenophon, many thanks for your help! For reference, this is what I did for one of the SQFs for "_i" from 1 to 25 do { deleteMarker ("a" + str _i); }; for "_i" from 27 to 63 do { deleteMarker ("a" + str _i); }; for "_i" from 1 to 70 do { deleteMarker ("c2a" + str _i); }; for "_i" from 1 to 54 do { deleteMarker ("c3a" + str _i); }; for "_i" from 1 to 10 do { deleteMarker ("c6a" + str _i); }; for "_i" from 1 to 87 do { deleteMarker ("c7a" + str _i); }; for "_i" from 1 to 110 do { deleteMarker ("c8a" + str _i); };
  17. Its for a multi-course race mission I'm working on. Markers are arrows which point the correct direction, but depending on which course is selected, it has to delete all the other existing arrows so only the course selected shows up on the map. I suppose I could just spawn the markers in the SQF itself, but its easier to place them down on the editor then delete them afterwards when not needed. I was basically hoping it would be something along the lines of this (which is completely wrong I'm sure, but other arrays seem to be like this). { DeleteMarker; }forEach [start1,start2,start3,start4,start5,start6,start7,start8,start9,start10];
  18. Has there been any progress on this? Looking myself on how to do this! :P
  19. Unfortunately it does not work with either variation of isServer/isDedicated on their own. Works absolutely fine outside of dedicated servers. What code would I need to make SetDate work in the same way as this?
  20. Bah meant to post this in Arma 3 scripting, please delete/lock/ignore this thread!
  21. Ok so update here. I've narrowed down what is causing the problem but still don't know a solution to this. In my mission there are several "course" sqfs, each one defining a different race course. The original spawns at Kavala work fine and respawns will work absolutely fine if you choose a course where your spawn is the original editor placement. But in my other course sqfs when I tell the players to move to their new start points, this is where things start breaking. Though the players move, it does not seem to create that first respawn point hence it goes to no respawn points availiable. I've included some of the code i'm using in an array to move assets but only included the players in this example: //Begin asset move: coursemk = [ //Players [p1,"c2p1"], [p2,"c2p2"], [p3,"c2p3"], [p4,"c2p4"], [p5,"c2p5"], [p6,"c2p6"], [p7,"c2p7"], [p8,"c2p8"], [p9,"c2p9"], [p10,"c2p10"], [p11,"c2p11"], [p12,"c2p12"], [p13,"c2p13"], [p14,"c2p14"], [c1,"c2c1"], [c2,"c2c2"], [c3,"c2c3"], [c4,"c2c4"], ]; { (_x select 0) setPos (MarkerPos (_x select 1)); (_x select 0) setDir (markerDir (_x select 1)); } forEach coursemk; Also for reference, this is the checkpoint.sqf file I have which defines the respawn points: _marker = createMarkerLocal ["mrkp1", getPos player]; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _marker setMarkerTextLocal "Respawn Point"; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "respawn_unknown"; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen"; { _trig = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _x ]; _trig setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true]; _trig setTriggerArea [75, 75, false]; _trig setTriggerStatements ["this && (vehicle player in thislist)", "'mrkp1' setMarkerPosLocal getPos thistrigger; [player, 'mrkp1'] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; ", ""]; } forEach [start, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, civspawn1, civspawn2, civspawn3];
  22. The new version of my mission that I'm developing has hit a snag. I've massively expanded the mission to include multiple courses and everything works beautifully.... except on dedicated servers. The respawn mechanism simply says 'no respawn points availiable' if you put the mission on a dedicated server, but works fine outside of that. I'm using the command BIS_fnc_respawn. I have an sqf which makes a respawn marker as the player passes a trigger it creates, but the respawn point is not created. What can I do to fix this? Any and all help appreciated!
  23. The respawn is created for each individual player rather than all players. As you pass checkpoints in the race, it will move that players individual respawn point to the next checkpoint in the race without affecting the other players respawn points. I could not figure out how to do that in the editor if thats even possible, so someone else in the community helped script something up for me to make that work (this was last year though he's long since gone). So I'm assuming that this still needs to be a script of some sort =P