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Everything posted by Whiskey87

  1. Whiskey's Warthogs [WRT] Who/what are we? We're a multi-gaming organization that tries its best to avoid hierarchy and unnecessary regulation. Our focus is enjoying the games we play and everything outside of that is secondary! We utilize tactics and techniques that are rewarded with mission/match success and avoid those that many groups use just to be more "MILSIM". We have no permanent rank structure, preferring assigned "roles" instead - many of which are temporary, allowing everyone an opportunity to serve different roles within the unit. How are you organized? We assign roles based on unit need and mission/scenario/match need. Some examples of permanent roles would be server administrator, recruiter, and [insert topic here] instructor. The rest of the roles are temporarily assigned for the event, such as "platoon commander", "squad leader," "pilot", "Zeus", etc. This gives everyone an opportunity to serve different roles within our organization - no one will be locked into an MOS or locked out of a role. That said, preference will be given to those who show aptitude at that role, which we feel is a good motivator to continually improve upon skills. Do you have a dedicated server? Servers? Ours will be ready by the end of the week! What mods will you run? We like realism, but we also don't like having a million mods, so the current mod list (which is subject to change based on your feedback) is ACE+CBA, the RHS packs, and anything we need to fill the gaps in capabilities moving forward. Membership requirements? We ask only that you abide by our community guidelines. The only physical item you need is a microphone/headset for voice communication and be able to use a push to talk key/button. Where can you find us? We use Discord as our only external asset. No endless forums and subforums that you have to "read and acknowledge" here! https://discord.gg/qCDJZ4J
  2. Is there a group out there that doesn't feel the need to pose as some kind of military unit, but instead just plays the game? I don't want to have to deal with out-of-game organizational BS. I've been playing shooters for well over a decade now, have done the realism thing a dozen times, and it's all the same. Anyone here just looking to have some fun? Designate leaders on the fly, cross train, run missions, play PVP?
  3. Whiskey87

    A3 FreeAim Fix

    Same here. Download link returns "temporarily unavailable."
  4. Long-time Arma player and forum lurker here. Some may recognize the username - I've also gone as EightSeven & Pathfinder. I've been throwing the idea around of starting an A3 unit, but wanted to see if there was already a group built around the concepts I've been toying with before I hopped into the process of buying web space and renting game servers. Over the past 15 or so years I've been in many groups across virtually every genre of game, including numerous units that participated in the Arma franchise. I've always been drawn to the more military-themed/MILSIM units, but as I've gotten older and the responsibilities of real life have piled on, I've also found myself leaning more towards the casual groups. I aim to find a balance between the two: A group that is casual off the field, but professional when the game is running. Ideally this will be a group without a military rank structure (and the prima donnas that the system seems to always attract) that utilizes real-world tactics and strategies (but only the ones which actually work in the game). A group of friendly, highly competitive professionals who play the game because they love the genre. A group in which the vast majority of my time will be spent actually playing the game, as opposed to managing personnel files and promotion reviews. Perhaps this group would have a format similar to that of the real-world US Army SOFD A-teams, where the rank structure is comparatively flat and the doctrines allow for HSLD operations. If you represent a group that fits this mould, know of one that does, or you're interested in what a group like this could offer, please contact me.