You did a really good job~ This mission is what I only play in ARMA3 SP.
but I have some questions:
1. How to use air support? I ordered it by pressing shift+6, and selected "blackbird" But I don't know how to use it...
2. Why my medic teammates didn't health me after I made orders to them?( This problam happenes a lot.)
I tried 0-0-9,but it still didn't work. So I delet them and bought new medic...
Can campus medic AI help me recover?
3. Wy the ammo support don't have sniper weapons bullits?
4. Is there any airplane or helo I can "drive" after I contral all the airport area?
5. I use F-18 aircraft MOD and some weapons MODs, and can I use them in your SP game? If yes, how do I do?
6. My construction truck sometimes "BOOM" by itself... Then I and my AI team all die...
7. I cannot use enemy's supporting truck. Only I can do is destroying it.
(I never successly used my supporting truck, and that was why I tried to use enemy's supporting truck.)
Thank you.