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Everything posted by kickpuncher

  1. kickpuncher

    [SCRIPT] Explosive-To-Vehicle

    Sorry for digging this thread back up, but I'm trying to create a mission, and need this script for the first part of the mission, but it won't work. I'm brand new at this, and have next to no clue what I'm doing. So far, I've added the .sqf files to the mission folder, but am not sure what to do from there. I'm using a custom loadout for my diver: And the only way I've been able to get it to work is by deleting removeAllWeapons this; So why does removing the diver's original gun have anything to do with whether the script runs? Also, is there a way to not have my character yell out "there's a charge there!" for the doomed occupants of the boat to clearly hear? The whole point of this is to discretely place a charge on the bottom of a patrol boat, to set off later in the mission. And did anything come of being able to place the explosives from underneath the boat? Thanks for your patience!
  2. kickpuncher

    Mag Repack

    Brilliant mod. Fantastic work. Awesome trailer.