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Posts posted by Zixtyy

  1. Hi there,

    I've run into a problem with the server I play and develop for. Whenever I try log in, I receive the error:


    It began occurring yesterday with no obvious cause. I have checked with the database server and the database does not receive any query including my player ID, but receives them for every other player that is online.

    I have since restarted my computer, my network, my computer again, reinstalled ArmA 3 and wiped all local files & settings (IE: AppData and Other Profiles), and I still receive the error.

    I am running the game with no modifications (however, it does try to launch with JSRS2 and CBA3, even though they are not within the installation folder and cannot be loaded...). I cannot seem to disable these two modifications from running if I launch through Steam..

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, as I am completely stumped as to the problem.



    Some followup information.

    I deleted my Steam userdata for Arma 3 as well as all the folders related to Arma 3 in my documents. I was then able to load back into the game with all of my stuff loading successfully. However, it then breaks again. I am able to load vehicles in garage, but trying to store vehicle in garage, impounding a vehicle will not work. Any gear that I buy or money I spend will also not be saved on the server.

    After this temp fix, if I reconnect I will no longer be able to join the server, and the error will go back to the original issue described.

    I really am stumped as to a fix now.


    I've noticed, all queries with SELECT work fine, but (for just my user with the temporary fix), UPDATE does not..

  2. Any chance somebody could help with labelling the separate parts on the PSD template? I'm finding it a bit difficult to identify the top parts of the chopper body and having a toggleable layer which identifies each part would help a ton when painting separate parts different colours.


  3. Hi there,

    We have a server running and VON does actually work for some people. However, for the majority of people it does NOT work. We've confirmed that all VON related ports are opened yet the issue is still there. VON is enabled in the server configuration so we're a little bit stumped as to why it is only working for a select few people. We've tried finding common ground between the people it works for but it appears to be random... Does anyone have any pointers?
