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About DarkFriend

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  1. The Zombie Protectors, zP. is now recruiting for Arma 3. We are a small clan, about 5 very active members, of dudes in their mid to late 20's. We are looking to add about 5 more players of a similar age. zP. has a private TS3 server, and we play mostly wasteland servers. We are not a super intense "milsim" clan, just normal guys wrecking noobs :) The only requirements to becoming a zP. member is to be 18+, play arma3 more than you should, have mic, not be annoying, and are a chill dude (or dudette). We will ask that you play with us for about a week so we can get to know you, and you us to make sure you're a good fit for our crew. zP. members are pretty decent at the game, and we are not currently looking to recruit newer players. Please respond to this post, or email me at ZombieProtectors@yahoo.com Thank for looking, DarkFriend
  2. Squad name:- zP. ZombieProtectors Timezone/location : Mostly east coast USA Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): PvP, Mostly wasteland Contact email: ZombieProtectors@yahoo.com Website address: Short description: This is an adult clan, 18+ only. We are a small clan around 5, and am recruiting for the first time for Arma. Most members are in their mid 20's and am looking to ad around 5 more members around the same age group. We are not one of those super intense "milsim" style clan, just a bunch of dudes playing video games together. We are pretty decent at the game, not looking to recruit inexperienced players. Please Email, for more information, and our private TS3 info. Thanks for looking! Language: 'Murican
  3. If you are referring to getting high ping/low fps on wasteland servers it is probably the server, and not you. We run a Wasteland server and it runs very smooth, we also restart it several times a day to keep it that way. Which wasteland were you playing on? Some of the highly moded wasteland are pretty laggy. Come check ours out, and see if you still have the same problem. Server name Multiplay :: Zombie Protector Public Wasteland
  4. I don't know half the words you used in the post. Must be one of those people you are referring to...