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Posts posted by Rigges

  1. This may have been asked before, so i won't start a new thread.

    I have my soldier, a pilot linked to me and an empty fighter on the runway. I give him an order to get in the plane. As soon as he climbs in, he starts driving slowly until the fighter stops on a wall, or on a building. The pilot simply does not follow my order to move anywhere else. Helicopters on the other hand, do exactly as they're told.

    Any advice?

    Hey, I wanted to try for myself before saying anything, but the link right after your post does give you all the info you need. Basically the runway has a starting point (so AI will only take off from one direction). If you place the AI even a tiny bit after that starting point they will taxi to one of those yellow taxi lines and work their way back to the start of the runway before they try to take off (if there is a building in the way, that'll mess things up totally). So, figure out which side of the runway is the takeoff part, in Stratis Airbase that is from south to north. After that it should work fine

  2. nice job with the tutorial here's some (hopefully) constructive criticism / things u could add. I'm way too lazy to start making tut and imho arma air assets are really lacking atm, but anyways :

    U do not use flaps in either takeoff or landing nor u give any explanation what they do (or at least what they should do not sure how well they work in arma) ie. flaps are used to gain more lift with cost of more drag so they reduce your stall speed and with lowered stall speed u can achieve shorter landings and takeoffs.

    Imho it would be nice mention energy(these are important things to bare in mind while in dogfight!) and talk about your aircraft total energy which is kinetic + potential energy ( E = mhg + ½mv^2 (e =energy, h = heigh, g = Gravitational constant (9.81 m/s^2) ,m= mass, v = velocity)) as we can see from this formula u can change altitude to speed and vica versa while keeping the total energy the same.

    in turning u could mention that vertical turn (loops) are more energy efficient than horizontal turns (though again not sure how this is with arma), u could also mention that the tighter u turn the more speed will u bleed. Remember to keep in mind that velocity is a vector quantity so it has amount and direction.

    and in bombing if u wanna talk shit about terms and stuff u could mention that the circle in the hud where your bombs will hit (or atleast should I would have to say I bit disagreed with this in the testing I've did though I didnt give it much time /effort so again cant say this to 100% true) is called continuously calculated impact point aka CCIP (army loves their abbreviations).

    Stay fast stay alive!!

    ps. Do a barrel roll!!

    pss. guys and girls pls correct me if u see stuff that is wrong :)

    Thanks for that SissiSaatana, very good advice indeed. Being a basic tutorial I was trying to get people off the ground and being able to shoot targets and was trying very hard to keep it as close to 10 minutes as possible (I'm pretty sure about 5 minutes is as long as most people can last with most informative videos before their brain shuts down, even if it doesn't want to!).

    I am hoping to either get a few good maps or put a few good maps together for dog fights against AI and get in a few rounds against friends for video and perhaps do a video on more involved mechanics of combat (which would perhaps fall under intermediate) in which case I'd be sure to mention your points here and give credit where credit is due! So, if you have any more suggestions feel free to add them here (that goes for anyone really) in which case if I don't do them already I'd be happy to test them out, see how it impacts my gameplay and add anything that has an impact to a tutorial.

    A good group of the guys I play with are mad about planes, some even build model remote control versions as a hobby so I'm sure we'll be spending time in the sky and happy to test out the mechanics in arma 3. Also one of the guys on the channel (the ugly mug on the left where you see a picture of 3 folks on our channel) is an engineering type and loves physics and maths (yah, I don't know what is wrong with him either) so if people were interested in that kind of thing I'd get him right on it!

    Thanks again for the feedback, much appreciated!

  3. It would have been nice to see some 'official' content released with the game, but I'm also all for having community work on content and new ideas, releasing the tools and seeing what happens. I am a believer that most major innovation comes from the PC market not through the AAA companies but through the little people, the community who do it 'free' out of passion but develop some amazing content. Of course they'll pull some business tricks to fund their projects but any company who promotes community development and releases their tools allowing for real innovation and doesn't lock down all their tools to ensure the life cycle of their game is about a year so they can make a killing on the next iteration, has my vote.

  4. I asked this in he Youtube comments but I'll ask here too. Any tips on using the mouse vs a joystick? Do you set the mouse sensitivity high or do you pick it up and move it?

    The evil side of me was going to say 'and I answered in youtube' to force more people to watch my video, but that ain't how I roll! haha. So for you and anyone else and without forcing anyone to visit my video (although likes and subscriptions are appreciated) and since I don't have a big word limit here as I do on youtube.

    Yes, there is a bit of picking up involved when using the mouse but not much, I can generally have the mouse in the middle of the mat and turn 180 degrees without going off the edge. The best way to get a smooth turn is to turn slow and steady, just until you see the flight stick (on screen) move towards you as far as it can and then maintain that speed. Moving the mouse faster doesn't turn you faster, a smooth slow movement usually works best (and uses less mouse mat!) I generally kept my default sensitivity (so not really super sensitive). I have a G9X logitech, I can adjust sensitivity on the fly but never really need to for this game. Getting to movement speed of the mouse right does take a bit of practice though, your head generally thinks in a way that moving the mouse fast moves the screen fast which it doesn't for most applications, but the jet has a physical limit in its turn speed which makes sense really.

    If you want to do some crazy turns and aren't being shot at, my controls are also configured to the arrow keys, so sometimes I'm lining up with a ground target but flying away for example, I can just flip my plane up and back around using the arrow keys then switch back to mouse. I can do it with the mouse also (which I did at about 18 seconds into the video, although in the video I could have used a little more speed before I did it to get a smoother flip) but the roll usually ends up a bit smoother and involves less concentration with the keys (however, keys suck for aiming, so mouse for everything else!)

    Hope that helps! Thanks for watching the video and glad you got something out of it.

  5. I can't find the buzzard in the editor

    Just drop a unit, make it player, after that in the drop down menu called SIDE for individual units, you'll get access to empty (you can only access this if you have a player on the scene), select that, then for CLASS select Air and you should have access to all air units (under UNIT) from all factions. A nice way to see what vehicles you have to play with!

    Hope that helps!

  6. The way Bohemia have released and built this game looks to me like community development is a major feature for them and something they understand is highly important to the continued success of this game. The best single player content right now in arma 3 is most probably that which has been released by community. The engine is a big step up in terms of performance over Arma 2 yet doesn't seem drastically different for those who want to mod the game or create user content (except for perhaps being a little more accessible at times). I'd predict all the best mods making their way here eventually, so it shouldn't be a matter of IF you come to Arma 3, but WHEN...

  7. Just thought I'd post this little video I did, in my own style, really just straight to the point and as quickly as possible (just the way I like tutorials!).

    Lots of friends starting up in games like Arma ask me about basic flying (not that I'm the best, but I can make do),control setup, landing, fighting, that kinda thing and I'm always able to get them in the sky, shooting targets to an enjoyable level and usually get the back down on the ground in one piece... usually...

    Pretty casual video, it should give you everything you need to know and has lotsa of little hot links on it so you can jump to the part of the video you need. If you need it all, I tried to keep it short and sweet and all in about 10 minutes (if you don't count the basic control setup).

    This game rocks the socks off just about anything and to really get the most out of it learn to fly everything, drive everything and get stuck in! Then specialize when you're ready! Enjoy the tutorial!

  8. Arma 3 is one big sandbox of fun. They've given us a whole lot of toys to play with in any way we want (be it solo or with friends) and unlocked great easy to use tools for the community to throw together any scenario they can conceive. The Steam Workshop already has some pretty sweet content up there, something I really want to explore more(I just need to quit my job). Always impressed with the amount of time an effort folks from the Arma community invest into creating levels and experiences. I'm totally fine with model they've gone with, releasing in Alpha, Beta and now 'full' release giving themselves time to put together a decent campaign while still giving us access to the diverse interesting multiplayer and massive sandbox and toolset. Who said Arma is a fine wine just now? I'll drink to that (although I don't drink, but you get the idea)
