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About Dinowski

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  1. Thanks mate, I'll try it out. Might even OC my processor again to 4.5GHz (only reason why I de-clocked it back to default is because I had no need for extra speed and didn't want to sweat processor for "bragging" rights). EDIT: It does work okay-ish, 40 FPS or so in SP. Once you get used to the not-so-smooth experience it gets ok :)
  2. My system: Intel i5-2500k GF560Ti 8GB RAM Game is installed on SSD. Game runes very poorly. Doesn't mater what settings I put in. If I turn off everything I can and put rest on low I get 60 FPS, but game looks worse than Quake 3. Also, if I happen to look in to the forest, FPS drops below 30. I don't recall game running so baldy in Alpha/Beta. When can we expect some tweak guide and/or patch? Will my system be enough to handle the game after it's been a bit more optimized? Thanks, Dinowski