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About AAROND93429

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  1. Half way through producing a mission for Clan, and now getting very strange issues with the editor. If i go to preview, it loads twice, then does a ARMA3 splash screen. When it finally gets into the game, the map, tasks, briefing area is black. If i press escape, i have another menu under my current menu, and a box saying development build. I am not in Dev build, nor have i ever been. Pictures to support.. http://iforce.co.nz/i/1ts1ktrb.v5l.jpg http://iforce.co.nz/i/dqw32rs1.5he.jpg http://iforce.co.nz/i/ynufan4y.vpe.jpg The mission has not yet got a init.sqf, just a mission.sqm. I have also tried validating my game files, with no luck. Anyone out there able to help? Cheers.
  2. Cheers ARJay, that worked. Cant believe it was something so simple.. driving me bloody nuts!
  3. Hi there! Im trying to host an Alive mission on a dedicated server using TADST.. Unfortunately it wont start and gives me a "include file x\alive\addon\sys_adminactions\script_component.hpp not found." This happens when trying to launch any of the 3 included Alive missions aswell. Any ideas on how i can resolve this issue? cheers!
  4. Thank you so much for you help Planetar, you have saved my mission ;)
  5. Hi, I need help figuring out how to get a respawn idea to work. I have players as FIA units, there objectives are to gain control of multiple enemy (CSAT) sites. What i want, is after the site has been taken (trigger area clear) for a respawn to be enabled into that area. I would love for players to be able to choose where they spawn (Base, or enemy sites that they have taken). Is this possible? if so, how? I have been trying to figure it out all day today, the BIS respawn modules dont appear to be of any use at all at the moment? Any help would be appreciate, and apologies if this question has been asked before or is in the wrong place.. Aaron.
  6. Hi there, I have searched around on here and Armaholic, basically all i want to be able to do is drag/move ammo boxes around and place them into vehicles, must work for multiplayer. I have tinkered around with a few scripts already, the BTC one wouldnt let me drag the crates around, basically im trying to find the script used on most of the ARMA3 wasteland missions. If anyone could help me find one suitable, that would be great! Cheers! Aaron
  7. AAROND93429

    ARMA3 Warfare Support Buildings

    Cheers Kylania il give that a go!
  8. Alright guys, First time posting up on here so hope this ended up in the right place! I have been working on some Warfare support buildings for ARMA3, as none were around upon release, i have played on Bennys ARMA3 warfare test server a few times, enjoyed every moment of it, but would love to do my own edit, or better yet.. if your reading this, Benny, use these! My main question was how do i save these items into a composition that can be saved and then scripted in to spawn on command? Is that how it works even? Im not sure! Any help would be massively appreciated. Few screens as a preview of what they look like on the field, they are modelled off the ARMA2 and OA BE Warfare buildings, although some i decided to create from scratch. ---------- Post added at 12:53 ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 ---------- http://iforce.co.nz/i/2bfpql1k.c1s.jpg (410 kB) http://iforce.co.nz/i/gzsedi2g.4oc.jpg (386 kB)