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Everything posted by DavidBrujo

  1. DavidBrujo

    helicopter and smoke LOL

    I dont know if this is new or came with Arma2, but the direction of the smoke is influenced by the turbulence of the helicopter :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: Eng. off: http://img.imgur.com/6FNwbwx.jpg (392 kB) Turning on: http://img.imgur.com/gsjZJKk.jpg (373 kB) http://img.imgur.com/c3TfzcD.jpg (375 kB) http://img.imgur.com/l25fp7G.jpg (371 kB) http://img.imgur.com/lFAgAgY.jpg (371 kB) Full power: http://img.imgur.com/zcnzrDn.jpg (370 kB)
  2. I used playwithsix and it works perfectly :D thx for the mod, its awesome
  3. One question I downloaded AiA with sixupdater then, what i have to do? I think that, but i'm not sure: Need to copy & paste the following folder that are in arma 2 and arma2 CO: @CBA copy from arma2 OA folder to Arma3 folder @CBA_A2 copy to Arma3 folder @CBA_OA copy to Arma3 folder Ok, I have new 5 folders in Arma 3: these 3 + @AllInArma + @CBA_A3 now I'm not sure I need to create a .bat folder? Thx!
  4. Thx for this mod I dont like the new vehicles, new weapons and all futuristic things :(:(:(
  5. DavidBrujo

    Error with mmc_sandbox_mod.pbo

    solved thx :D
  6. Hi this is the first time that I play in Arma3 I played Arma2, and I used to install mods with "Sixupdater" Today, I tried to install this mod but when I wanted to enter in a server, one message appears saying: ht tp://i.imgur.com/QlqAltC.jpg (write in one line, I'm not be able to post images :D) sorry for the spanish, but it says basically that this .pbo isnt signed by one acepted key for this server how can I repair it? thank you very much
  7. DavidBrujo

    Error with mmc_sandbox_mod.pbo

    Hi Crierd the server that I want to play has this mod, so I need to have it, no?