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Everything posted by greefine

  1. I wanted to eddit the wiki extension page directly, but: "Registraion of new accounts for the Community Wiki has been temporarily suspended. We apologize for the inconvenience." And i didn't find much on the Topic when i was looking, so i wanted to Post it here to maybe help people who want to use Rust to make a DLL for Arma3: Disclaimer it's only working for 64bits Arma3, but it should be easy to make it work for Arma3 32bits Here is the code: > lib.rs #![feature(rustc_private)] #![feature(libc)] extern crate libc; use libc::{size_t, strncpy}; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use std::os::raw::*; use std::str; /// # Safety // Called by Arma: STRING callExtension STRING // __declspec (dllexport) void __stdcall RVExtension(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function); // This function link our DLL to arma, thus it cannot be Safe (raw pointers, etc...) // https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Extensions #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[no_mangle] #[export_name = "RVExtension"] pub unsafe extern "stdcall" fn RVExtension( output: *mut c_char, outputSize: size_t, function: *const c_char, ) { // get str from arma let utf8_arr: &[u8] = CStr::from_ptr(function).to_bytes(); let request: &str = str::from_utf8(utf8_arr).unwrap(); // send str to arma let response = CString::new(request).unwrap().into_raw(); strncpy(output, response, outputSize - 1); } /// # Safety // Called by Engine on extension load // __attribute__((dllexport)) void RVExtensionVersion(char *output, int outputSize); // This function link our DLL to arma, thus it cannot be Safe (raw pointers, etc...) // https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Extensions #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[no_mangle] #[export_name = "RVExtensionVersion"] pub unsafe extern "stdcall" fn RVExtensionVersion(output: *mut c_char, outputSize: size_t) { let versionstr = "V0.1 DEBUG"; let response = CString::new(versionstr).unwrap().into_raw(); println!("size_t: {:#?}", outputSize); strncpy(output, response, outputSize - 1); } > cargo.rs [package] name = "arma3singlemultiplayer" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["GreeFine <greefine@hotmail.fr>"] edition = "2018" [lib] crate-type = ["cdylib"] # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [dependencies] > main.rs # use to try #![feature(rustc_private)] #![feature(libc)] mod lib; use crate::lib::*; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use std::str; fn main() { unsafe { test(); } } unsafe fn test() { let buffer = CString::new("____________________").unwrap().into_raw(); let utf8_arr: &[u8] = CStr::from_ptr(buffer).to_bytes(); println!("buffer: [{}]", str::from_utf8(utf8_arr).unwrap()); RVExtensionVersion(buffer, utf8_arr.len() + 1); println!("buffer result: [{}]", str::from_utf8(utf8_arr).unwrap()); } To compile this i use the component "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" rustup component add rust-std-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc And then to compile: cargo build --lib --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
  2. greefine


    Yeeaaa it Work perfect thank you man ;) I will put you in the thanks list of my mission for sure !
  3. greefine


    Hi firefly first thanks for this awsomme job but i have a probleme that i"ve got from 2 weeks not This is the probleme Arma2NET Lauch and i have : - No log on the Mysql plugin - The commade Set doesn't work instead the select commande works fine - This error apear when it lauch and when i try the set commande : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Une exception a été levée par la cible d'un appel. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Impossible de charger le fichier ou l'assembly 'System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db937bc2d44ff139' ou une de ses dépendances. Tentative de chargement d'un exécutable non vérifiable avec des corrections (table IAT avec plus de 2***sections ou une section TLS.) (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80131019) ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Tentative de chargement d'un exécutable non vérifiable avec des corrections (table IAT avec plus de 2***sections ou une section TLS.) (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80131019) More info : - I try on my pc and a windows server ! - I work on Mysql database using the Mysql Workbench - I have the arma2NET file and Ama2Mysql plugin from the preconpiled version on the dropbox you gave - I have install correctly and check for the requirement like the connector and the file in the Roaming folder If you can help i will be very happy :)
  4. Sa à l'air Cool je viendrais tester