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About elaola

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  1. I can answer for myself here. If you change the controls and remove the defaults, you cannot move around in the map editor. I changed my profile to one with default controls and now I can roam around in the 3D map editor freely. If anyone else has the same problem, you know what to do. =)
  2. On "shift" I elevate upwards and on "Z" I am elevating downwards. I can also look around in the map but not move forward. Now I have tested every button on the keyboard and it seems nothing can make me move forward in the 3D editor. Seriously, please help!
  3. So yes. I cheated in the Dayzmod one time. Got globally banned and didn't care much about that. So today I buyed Arma 3: Deluxe Edition and wanted to join a game, but I can't and no I haven't used any hack in this game at all. Only in Dayz which is an Arma 2 mod. So how I am supposed to fix this? I do not want to make a new steam account and buy it again. Seriously disappointed. I am also out of money and I have really been looking forward to playing this game.This sucks. :( Edit: I saw that cheatengine was running in the background for Borderlands 2 and I shut it down, now I can play online again. Wtf?