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Everything posted by Reefer420

  1. Reefer420


    After Testing some more - I found that if I connect to the server with @Arma2Net activated from another computer...it works perfect! So do all players have to have @Arma2Net installed or what?
  2. Reefer420


    Yes - Im a noob when it comes to arma 2 scripting, but i am catching on quick. So when I run a local server (Not Dedicated) everything works great. Then When I get the SAME mission file running on a dedicated it stops working.... The lines of .SQF Code: _SRP_uid = format ["%1", getPlayerUID player ]; _SRP_table = "saveddata"; (format ['server globalChat "_SRP_uid = %1";', _SRP_uid]) call broadcast; //DEBUG MESSAGE 1 (format ['server globalChat "GetPlayerUID = %1";', getPlayerUID player]) call broadcast; //DEBUG MESSAGE 2 _selectTest = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format["Arma2NETMySQLCommand ['arma', 'SELECT * FROM %1 WHERE uid='%2'']",_SRP_table, getPlayerUID player ]; On BOTH servers I get both debug messages and they both say my UID...... Ive also tried changing it to: _selectTest = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format["Arma2NETMySQLCommand ['arma', 'SELECT * FROM %1 WHERE uid='%2'']",_SRP_table, _SRP_uid ]; MY LOGS DEDICATED SERVER: Info: 10:40:15 - Received - Database: arma SQL Query: SELECT * FROM saveddata WHERE uid=' Warning: 10:40:15 - MySQL error. MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''' at line 1 LOCAL SERVER: Info: 11:24:13 - Received - Database: arma SQL Query: SELECT * FROM saveddata WHERE uid='1354*****' (*I ADDED **** FOR SECURITY) SO....Why is it sending my UID on local and not deticated?? ..and Why does it show up in my debug messages and then not get passed to the query?!?! From my extensive experience at a programmer - this makes no f-ing sense...