Hello everyone, and yes i do realize that in the A2 section there is a great thread on modding and expanding domination, I have searched there first, but was not able to find anything to help me out.
So the question is that i have found a Domination port to Arma 3 which was modded by dirty-haruz or something like that, and the main question that i have is what do i need to change or add to get the lift choppers to work. in Previous Domination it was just in the i_client script to add units to it, but the i_client in the ported version is totally different, I've looked through the Chophud scrips and the heli scripts basically anything that said heli on it, but im still unable to see where or what i need to add in to all the heli to lift other things besides the MHQ which is a Hunter truck. I mainly would just like to have the ability to have it be able to lift boats and the subs, any help in this would be great, thanks in advance.