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Posts posted by NuclearCouch

  1. Looking for people experienced with editing pbo's, scripting and coding things within Arma 3 Making a Arma 3 Life server that's scripted out and a lot more fun then the usual servers but need a co~admin to help me with scripting and such since I'm not the best at it. Email me at: film4life8@gmail.com[1] if interested. Will be paying

  2. Wow good luck with that. I love threads like this(: Your best bet is to lean yourself how to script. There are many great people on this forum that will help you with scripting issues and lead you in the right direction even write a few for you but nobody will just script for you and your server without being part of your little group who wants to play LIFE!!! Scripting takes time and effort. You should try to make a clan and hopefully you will find a few members that know how to script. People have offered to pay other people to write scripts for them on this forum however this is against the forum rules FYI.

    Lol I already got 2 people. I don't really know what you're talking about.

  3. I was wondering if I can run a Takistan Life Revolution server on these specs with about 40 to 50 people.

    Atom D2700 2GB

    Port Speed: 100mbps

    CPU: Intel Atom D2700 2.13ghz 2 Cores 4 Threads

    Operating System: CentOS 5.X

    IP's: 1 IP

    Bandwidth: 5TB

    RAM: 2GB

    HDD: 500 GB Hard Drive

    And what OS Is the easiest to install the server files onto, I was thinking Debian, cause I tried on a Centos VPS and it was hard as balls.
