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Posts posted by CommuneCode

  1. Guys, don't fall for this thread. It's just a 16 year old who fancies himself a modder/game designer, and knows not of what he speaks.

    For the record, Commune, the vehicles don't have the ability to roll the windows up, nor down, in A3. There's the ability to shoot them out, but that's either full up or full down, and that's it. There are hidden animations, but the LODs aren't set properly, so you can't shoot through open doors or something like that, which is why BI didn't enable them. Wipers/rain might be possible, but I think you'd need the sources to do that. Really not sure about fogging up windows, but for both of these, what's the point? You'd have to hook them into a weather mod for them to be useful.

    I propose that you let the thread die, gentlemen, because it's nothing but spam anyways. As for Commune, you say you're good at missions, so you might want to stick with that, or actually learn scripting/addonmaking before you make another thread proposing an idea for an addon.

    Also, side note, he fancies himself a game designer as well. Claims to be creating his own engine from scratch, his own game(s) too. On top of that, if I remember correctly he was annoyed a few months ago because he hadn't turned 16 yet, and didn't want to share the MANW prize money with his parent/guardian. Made two threads about it in these forums, even. Because, you know, he'd so obviously win it.

    Well you clearly don't know me, or the work I've done. What the hell is wrong with me being 16 and designing my own game? Is it because you didn't when you were 16? And for the record, I really could care less about what you have to say if you are going to be like that. If you don't want to help then leave, your pointless words are not needed. Also, since you are clearly better than me at EVERYTHING playing thread god up there, have fun with YOUR game, or wait? You're not making one you say? Weird.

    Raptor 6, this is not a request thread, I am just getting suggestions for it here. I do know how to make mods and scripts but I'm not going to sit here and say I'm the best at it. Doing the lights should be fine for me to release as my first full featured mod.

  2. I watched the video (and actually understood a bit of it) but I don't think that I can do the retractable thing, I can't do modelling or animations worth anything. And I think to that using scrollwheel options would be best. Perhaps using the script to sense when you're slowing down to give you a turn signal option, and when it is raining give you a windshield wipers option.

  3. Hello, and welcome to the discussion for EVFM or Advanced Vehicle Features Mod. This mod for ArmA III will enhance many things about driving a vehicle in A3 that are either not there or are broken. Some of these features will include fogged up windshields in rain, turn signals, lockable doors and *movable windows *Maybe*. All these things are being discussed in this thread as this mod is just in the discussion stage. So, what do you think we should feature in a mod to make vehicles better?

    (Note, the features in the mod will be mostly aesthetic, handling and mechanics of the vehicles will not be changed).


    {8/17/14,[11:40]} I have started assigning all the lights and the menu to functions, which will then be turned into modules when you have the mod loaded.

    {8/16/14,[17:30]} I have started to write the configs and doing some test packing, the base of the action menu is done and now all I have to do is write the code for the lights themselves, which is clearly going to take some time. I will post news as I get it.

    {8/16/14,[14:16]} I have gotten the action menu working, however I am stuck on using the while {alive player} loop, the lights do not even get created without a loop for some reason, so for now I am searching for a way to loop without breaking the action menu.

  4. I am currently 15 and will be 16 in July, I have put in my birthdate as my real one and the representative email box did not show up!? Yet when I put in the date but changed the year to 1997 the box did show up, but if I were born on that date that year I would be 16 already!? I would like to apply now to get my project voted up but I need to know how to fix it first. Thanks in advance for the responses.
