Hi Guys,
I have some trouble whit my Mission , im not smart enought to set an publicVariable i need some Help to understand this.
In my Mission (remember two Player Coop) one of the Guys must pickup an Sniperrifle from a Box.
The Task is Finish if the player kill two Guards an picked up the Rifle.
If it done, the next Task will be created, but it only works in Singleplayer.
In the Armaholic Forum, he sayed i must use public Variables.
In this Case i maked an new onAct in the Taskfinisher
hasGun = true; publicVariable "hasGun"; task8 settaskstate "succeeded"; ["TaskSucceeded",["You got the Gun"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
in the newTaskCreator i wrote this in the Conditions:
taskState task8 == "Succeeded" && taskState task7 == "Succeeded" && hasGun;
This "Code" was only an Idea and i was sure that this didnt work, and yes it didnt.
Did anyone have an simple Example for me, i want to lern it, but i dont understand the official Description for public Variables.
An other Problem is.
I placed two Objects (Civilians) sync them whit an Hide Module and Sync ten mwhit an Show Module, the Show Module is sync whit an Trigger.
But only on the Hostclient the Civs are hided, the other Player can see the Civs.
best regards Chris