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About Beowulf

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  1. Yeah, I was lurking on the forums for quite some time, but finally snapped and joined the Dark Side. You are right, convoy behind you brings up the tension. So maybe a note in the briefing stating, that the EOD squad doesn't have to dispose of the mines, just disarmed them? Text radio chatter is better than none and in my opinion insanely increases immersion (sorry, that adjective was just for the alliteration). But voice acting is always welcome and for me it is additional plus, however cheesy it may sound; so if you feel like doing it why not give it a try? I would offer my help, but I come from Poland, so my accent would be ridiculously strange in that case. I'm fine in finishing the mission without firing a shot, but in my case it just seemed like the were shot in one spot and not even disembarking from their quads. I didn't expect to see such complex behaviour as it would be extremely time consuming (as I imagine), just a minor detail. Anyway, I am looking forward to play more of your missions (managed to finish all 3 so far), they are very entertaining and interesting from design point of view.
  2. Thank you for sharing the mission. Good and interesting concept, but I think that it would benefit from giving the player a little more time, or means to stop the convoy. I barely managed to disarm the mines, but didn't have a chance to take them from the road and stow in the car. Imagine what the driver of the convoy's leading vehicle must think when driving straight into laying mines in the middle of the road. Some radio chatter would be a nice touch too, like simple statements about completion of disarming at each intersection. And lastly - the enemy SF team has been dealt by Air Station security (which is fine - I don't get my kicks from killing every enemy on the map), but it bugs me, that I couldn't find any mines on them, nor on the quads :) Maybe they're just that good with resources management, and optimised mine usage in relation to potential gain from enemy materiel destruction. Anyway - I enjoyed it, and furthermore - I like your non standard approach to mission design.