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Everything posted by Zombitch

  1. Hi, Just a quick question, I'm trying to add houses and buildings (official ones) on Stratis. But I don't find them in the Editor user interface that I'm wondering if it's possible to add house ? If so, can you explain me how to add house please ? Thanks.
  2. Hi, I know there is a forceRespawn function that works great. But my question is, how to choose the player I want to respawn. I mean, let's say I have a MP server where these players play (it's there nickname) : - Alan - Max - Paprika - PapaBear How can I script / said "respawn PapaBear" on server side. I tried to write : forceRespawn PapaBear But it did not do anything. Thanks for your help.
  3. Hi, I would like an AI to fire five times so I wrote a file (forceFire.sqf) : _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = currentWeapon _unit; _ammo = _unit ammo _weapon; _count = 0; while {_count < 5} do { _unit forceWeaponFire [_weapon, "FullAuto"]; _count = _count + 1; } Calling the script in a unit init field like that : _null = [this] execVM "intro\forceFire.sqf"; This thing is the unit is firing only once. I really don't understand why the unit does not fire other bullet. Any idea(s) ? Thanks.
  4. Work great when adding sleep or uiSlepp in the loop. Thanks
  5. Ok, it's clear now. Thank you JShock. I'll test it soon.
  6. Hi Gentlemen and Ladies, A noobish question about tasks and triggers. I would like to know who (server or client ?) owns tasks and triggers ? Should I manage them only on server side and they will be "dispatched" to client or should I do it another way ? Thanks for your help. Best regards ;)
  7. Indeed I missed the last parameter of BIS_fnc_setTask that allow to set the task at a global level. However about BIS_fnc_taskSetState and according to this post, the function does not work in MP but this topic is old and the information given by sxp2high is maybe deprecated ? do you have any information about that ? Thanks again ;)
  8. I just want to create a simple Task that is visible for all players. Thanks for this helpful answer. "Tasks are local" means that when I create them I should avoid create them on dedicated ? With something like that : if(!isDedicated) then { //Create the task if no exists ["FindStuff_task", true, ["Find the box containing your stuff. It should be near a rock", "Find stuff", "Find stuff"], [3258, 1731, 0], "ASSIGNED", 1, true, false] call BIS_fnc_setTask; } And last question what if I want my task completed by player1 to be also completed on player2 client ? (I mean, player1 complete the task so it completes the task for all player) Thanks.
  9. Hi, I am trying to stick building pieces together but can't succeed it. In fact I try to add an hospital in Startis. The hospital is composed of 3 differents parts that should be "merged". I tried to play with setPos, setPosASL but never succeed. Here is what I get : You see, the three parts are "disconnected" and are not at the same level (I mean the slide 1 is lower than the main part) Does anyone know how to assemble this hospital ? Thanks ! NB : Don't tell me I have to place them manually :p NB2 : I don't know if it's important but I always use "this setVectorUp [0,0,1]" in the init field of my buildings, in order to get my buildings vertically.
  10. You mean I have to check isServer ? Doing something like that : if (isServer) then { hs = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_main_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; hs setDir (getDir this); hs setPosATL (getPosATL this); var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side1_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; var attachTo [hs, [4.69775,32.6045,-0.1125]]; detach var; var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side2_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; var attachTo [hs, [-28.0336,-10.0317,0.0889387]]; detach var; }; Thanks again for your advice.
  11. Wow, thanks a lot, it works like a charm. Here is what I've done thanks to your code : 1) Add a game logic named "Hospital" 2) Copy paste this code in the game logic init fields hs = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_main_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; hs setDir (getDir this); hs setPosATL (getPosATL this); var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side1_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; var attachTo [hs, [4.69775,32.6045,-0.1125]]; detach var; var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side2_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; var attachTo [hs, [-28.0336,-10.0317,0.0889387]]; detach var; Code is from Killzone_Kid 3) Then the hospital appears where is located the game logic
  12. Thanks, it works great.
  13. Hi guys, I've done a lot of googling before posting but I don't succeed to make it work. So the thing I would like to do is the following : 1) Spawn a vehicle in the air 2) Attach a parachute to the vehicle. For the first step I make it doing this (and it works) : _vehicle = "C_SUV_01_F" createVehicle (getPos player); _vehicle setPosATL (_vehicle modelToWorld[0,0,200]); But when I want to attach a parachute to that vehicle it just does nothing; I tried to attach parachute doing this : _parachute = "ParachuteMediumWest" createVehicle (getpos _vehicle); _parachute setpos (_vehicle ModelToWorld [0,0,3]); _vehicle attachTo [_parachute, [0, 0, 0]]; When I run this code it does nothing : I don't see the parachute deploying. Any idea ? I really really would like to make it by scripting and not using the "supplyDrop BIS function". Thanks.
  14. Hi guys, Here is my first mission I made, before all I would like to thanks all people who helped my (kylania, Zenophon, and others I dont remember name... sorry). Rescue Barry Estimated mission time : 20min Briefing : Your main objective is to rescue our high qualified engineer Barry. The rescue boat will drive you to the coast; once you'll disembark you'll have to find some weapons and then rescue Barry. Barry is a VIP, our army need him as a computer engineer, he is able to hack into any computer and he should be able to give us usefull information about enemy position......... What are you waiting for ? GO !! Tips and hints : - Once you'll free Barry he will join your team and you will be able to give him order. Known bugs : - If one of the player take the place of the driver boat at the beginning, the boat wont come at the end of the mission (and the mission will never end). Despite I've done a lot of testing, the mission isn't bug free. So please, if you're facing bugs report them thanks to this post or PM me. Screenshots : Download : Steam workshop Have a good game. -- Zombitch
  15. Hey guys, I am trying to delete all waypoints assigned to a group but when I do that some waypoint "still alive". Here is a picture of the situation : 3 waypoints have been assigned to the enemy group (red). When my player get in the trigger radius (at the bottom right) I would like to remove all enemy waypoint so in the trigger I call the following script when condition meet : _unit = _this select 0; _group = group _unit; _waypoints = waypoints _group; _i = 0; while{(count _waypoints) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint [_group, _i]; _i = _i + 1; }; hint format["Waypoint count %1", count (waypoints _group)]; The thing is when the hint show up it should be written : "Waypoint count 0" whereas it 's written "Waypoint count 2" meaning there are 2 waypoints "alive". Any idea why it's not completly working ? Thanks ;)
  16. @Polygon No we still can't switch on/off light. As you can see here there is a bug about that.
  17. nobody have an idea about my problem ?
  18. Hey, I'm sorry but I am not able to download your mission too :( . When I want to download it, the download state still "in pause" and do not download even If I hit the resume button. Maybe try to delete your mission from the workshop and upload it again ... I saw you have problem with Task destination, you can use scripting to create your task instead of using the task module, have a look here. To make a task with task destination working I doing this : ["FindStuff_task",true,["Find the box containing your stuff. It should be near a rock","Find stuff","Find stuff"],[b][3258,1731,0][/b],"ASSIGNED",1,true,false] call BIS_fnc_setTask; The following argument: [3258,1731,0] is the task destination parameter it's the x, y and z of the task destination. Hope to help you a bit ;) Keep us up to date with your downloading problem.
  19. Zombitch

    [SP/CO 2] Rescue Barry

    New update and bugs fix : - Friendly AI bot will now take ammo and weapon once you'll find them out. - Fixed bug : Enemy unit attack you now. - Do not require dev build anymore. - In multiplayer mode : now the lighthouse keeper will always do the "lighthouse activation animation". - NEW : A plane will fly over the players head at the beginning (more immersive). - Music and AI talking are now synchronized on all player clients. - If your teammate free Barry, you now won'tbe able to free him too (whereas he was already released). - Same bug fix as above regarding the lighthouse keeper. - When the lighthouse keeper speak, the text will be displayed on screen. - Fixed bug that prevent player from succeeding the mission even if they do all as expected. If you find bugs, please report them. See you.
  20. Hi, In a multiplayer game type, I am wondering how to get playMove or doMove working on client ? I would like to make the the following code running on server side when a player do something : _target doMove position; _target is a civilian AI. The problem is when it's a client (player) which run that code it does nothing except if the client is the server, so I guess playMoveNow, doMove etc.. are local to the server, isn't it ? The thing I don't know is how to make the animation working when the client wants to see the animation? Thanks ;)
  21. No one ? To be a bit clearer I would like a client player able to run that script : _target doMove position; With _target that is a civilian AI managed by server. EDIT : The only thing I did to make it work is add a trigger in the editor with a condition like this (UnitShouldMove) and when the condition is successful then I do the move : UnitName doMove position;
  22. Thanks a lot, it's working. I added the 0 as a first element in titles array (as you did) and it makes it works.