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Posts posted by Xalteva

  1. I can see already what will happen after this but, i think the big loser will be the nationalist party. It's always the same thing in France, whenever elections are near.

  2. I hope they get arrested and have to spend the rest of their live rotting away in prison, exposed to all the hatred of their inmates. A quick death is too easy for those murderers.

    I hope that there will be some serious investigation, not just a quick judgement based on cheap propaganda.

  3. Indeed, some prefers throwing random sentences such as "there was no war in Afghanistan" or "you think all afghans are Talibans", instead of trying to build educated and mature discussion.

    Or accusing people of being conspiracy theory adepts as soon as they start criticizing the controlled media :)

    And yes, that was not a war! a massive genocid in the open. No matter how good talibans were organized, a RPG launcher weighs nothing compared to a B52 with loads of 2Tons bombs. And yes, an Afghani citizen is meaningless to the world so nobody cared! And what for ? an ancient CIA agent hosted by an organization that was helped by the US once, and at the end they couldn't even bring him to justice, and threw him in the ocean instead ? well, it's not only a war, it was a huge failure and wasted hard working tax payers money ...

  4. Don't Ask Who's Being Killed by Drones In Afghanistan

    This story comes to VICE News from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

    "We only count that which we see," he told Bohannon. "You can do a tremendous amount of forensics… [but] seldom do we see the actual bodies."


    Afghanistan civilian casualties 2009-2012 (stastics; also by none-government forces)


    Drone strikes in Pakistan


    In one of the article I did post, just one page before it was described that in Afghanistan only children, women and elders count as civilians when it comes to targeted killings by NATO.

    The most useless thing you can do in this offtopic section, is trying to to convince people with reports and all sort of links from here and there! people, in the end, just believe what they want to believe or have bad intentions :)

    This doesn't mean i don't appreciate your researches.

  5. Another mess, at the cost of many lives.

    Politicians! they should be front line first, then perhaps they'd think twice.

    Our western lives seem far more important, as to those living elsewhere, why that is, is anyone's guess.:confused:. 18,000 just sad :mad: :( why???

    The troops that gave their lives come home in a coffin with the flag draped over, as it should be, very respectful. They have a respectful service and burial. Many of those families then start to ask why, they need a clear answer, which of course, they're never given.

    However, most civilians in this type of war zone, get pushed into a hastily dug 'dust hole' in the ground with 20 other corpses, lucky to be wrapped in an old blanket, with very few words, just misery for those left behind. They also ask why and never get the answer.

    I'm not against war, in some cases its all that's left. But war should be for a legitimate reason, that reason needs to be made very clear to those risking everything going over to fight and also to those that are civilians, who usually have little choice in the matter.

    What "war" are you talking about ? the guys just went to there and rained shitloads of napalm bombs on people who don't even know what US is ...

  6. This game is beautiful ... but the gameplay is dumbed down to hell, it was already too easy on previous titles, but now it's even worse.

    The scenario is a total mess, it really has no depth or progression, characters are too mad that they don't make sense anymore, dialogues are poor ... once you stop being amazed by those graphics, you start feeling dumb playing this.

  7. I've seen the light! All thanks to the Kremlin funded RT:

    Better than AlJazeera oil companies funded :)

    You can use that argument with any news channel ... they don't give you money to be righteous.

  8. Thats why Iam very sceptical with blogs who are trying to research incidents just from watching videos, images and google earth.

    For example Ukraine@war (ukraineatwar.blogspot.com) did "research" the School No63 incident where some children did die on a soccer field in Donetzk. The person of the Webpage did claim with his images and calculated angels the source of the impact would be the east. This was taken over without much proof from the ukrainian media and even politicians and experts were claiming it. Later on his blog he did notice that it was wrong, but of course the press did not correct the assumptions. He did not notice that the light of the sunset did reflect in the windows of the building. Total mess and useful for propganda.

    Another example is bellingcat.com, wheras they got a lot more interesting facts, the whole research just by videos and images does not replace needed people locally. There are too many variables and additional important informations needed which nobody can only research by press reports, images and videos.

    This all reminds me on the 911 truther. At the end its rather manipulating than finding the truth.

    I am far from being some "inforwar" fan :) and those cheap conspiracies, but i don't just accept things that easily!

    Facts that were provided in this MH17 story were just enough to make you believe the official story.

  9. But my point is that the size is still not comparable ... it is almost as high as a standing guy.

    It all started with that amateur video showing the moment of the crash, where you can see just an explosion, i was wondering why you couldnt see anything falling from sky. That's why i decided to look into the crash site debris, the first thing that caught my attention was the body debris which looked so "clean" (i was told russian AA missiles throw small steel balls when they explode), then the passports and naked bodies ...

    Well, i have to admit that i had also in mind the MH317 flight which disappeared mysteriously and maybe there is a link.

  10. I think the boeing 777 uses a General Electric engine which was produced in 1995, one year before the engine in that link.

    Anyway, so it's basically the same thing shown on the image i posted above , which is still bigger than in the crashsite.

  11. Good point, but take a look to this :


    It's smaller but not comparable, it doesn't look to be the same at all:


    On some images (that i can't post here), some victims were completely naked (with untouched skin) which makes me question the way they got killed.

  12. You realize how insulting your fairy tale may be for the family of the casualties ?

    I defy you to give an explanation to that video. The plane was shot down in the sky, you should have seen a fireball coming down not just a random explosion in the middle of nowhere.

    If i start facing you with more questions concerning the crash site, you will just escape the discussion :)

    For example, here's a boing 777 engine image :


    now compare it to the one on the crash site :


    Debris have caught my attention since the first day, if you scroll up you will find my comment.

  13. Oh look, conspiracy again :rolleyes:

    Did you see the crash site ? and that so called explosion video ? i mean just an explosion with nothing falling from the sky! There are some serious questions surrounding that event anyway.

    Oh look! brand new passports :) from a plane that turned into ashes.

    Also, when russians release a SAT image, and you call it fake, isn't that conspiracy too ? :rolleyes: or do i just have to assume that you are a bit biased ? :p
