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Everything posted by Xalteva

  1. Xalteva

    Ukraine General

    The MH17 never existed ...
  2. I really hope that USA will never fall, their paper dollar is everywhere in the world !!! unless some countries want to start a war against it :D
  3. Xalteva

    F-35C makes first carrier landing

    In those kind of wars ,planes won't have a chance at all they will only intervene when the ennemy is on its knees to finish him and you don't need mega 10th generation machines for that! Fighters do not win wars ...
  4. Xalteva

    F-35C makes first carrier landing

    Against ragheads ? this thing is only made to fill some companies pockets.
  5. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Fennek, i think you gonna make this thread interesting :D grabbing my pop corn bucket !
  6. Wow, that is too extrem! Hungary wants to get money out of nothing ?!
  7. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Indeed! and really, their videos are really so well made, especially that drone flying section.
  8. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Here is the latest IS joke : In bizarre new video, Islamic State hostage gives tour of Kobane/ Seriously, i laughed so hard watching this! a true masquerade.
  9. Xalteva

    Ukraine General

    Svoboda party 4.66% Those guys had no political future anyway they are only good in hating jews and russians, i don't even think they should have participated! gangs can't rule.
  10. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    I am not a theologist, and probably don't have your knowledge :) but my point was that violence is not only Islam specific! as the guy said in one of the videos i posted above, Islam is not a religion of peace nor a religion of violence! people make of it what they want, and it sounds logical actually. And this is the whole problem, when human being believes in anything, there is always a risk that his belief could bring him to violence. Hitler was influenced by nietzsche and his superhuman theory + his hatred for the jews ... Stalin too had non religious beliefs, but managed to kill millions, and there are many examples i can come up with. Now politically speaking, i think that this massive media war against Islam is not coincident, it is closely related to what's happening in the middle east, and the important interests there. Some parties with their media try to seize this opportunity to get more votes because they have nothing to give to people except chasing out "terrorists" out of the country. Keep in mind that before sending soldiers to the war, local population should be convinced first! Fortunately, many people are aware of this, but sadly a lot think it's a conspiracy like those in "House of cards" (i recommend you watch this one btw). This said,i don't deny extremism in some western countries due to marginalization and lack of integration processes! The most important is to avoid generalizations and quick conclusions. Back to the middle east, you have to keep two things in mind when dealing with this subject : Israel and the Petrodollar ... nevermind forget it, it would take me a long time developping, and you will most likely start talking about immigrants after anyway.
  11. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Since you like simple things : As long as there isn't a serious investigation that proves there is a link between IS and the attacks in Canada, all this propaganda won't be believable! One can just tell you that those guys were paid to do such videos! and honestly, those murderers making videos on social media about killing infidels are just not convincing. @vilas i was talking to a friend lately, and asked him about gays beheading in islam: he said that there is nothing in quran that justifies that, but he pointed me to Leviticus 20:13 (bible) Enjoy!
  12. Xalteva

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    And Saudi arabia is a big ally to USA (Quincy's pact)! And USA spends more than all countries gathered in weaponery, i don't think that money is a problem. IS is selling huge quantities of oil each day to the "black market", we're not talking about a gang's smuggling ! 1 million dollars each day,and it's happening under the coalition fighters. You don't have to be a conspitard to see that there is something not right with IS! and please don't tell me that they are so powerful that the coalition can do nothing! i remind you of that Israeli F16 that took down a convoy heading to Lebanon from syria which was suspected to carry chemical weapons ... oil price in the world is not now around 90$ because of the smuggled oil being exported from Iraq and Syria in a huge quantities! you should ask yourself now who is controlling the black market ?? Ofcourse, there is an extremist organization committing crimes in the region, but our medias are putting all their efforts in turning our attention away from the real deal!
  13. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    This thread is turning into a huge mess! we need admins to clean all this ... I think we should only focus on posting news and avoid adding comments! it wouldn't work otherwise.
  14. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    You are talking about this ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aisha But, i seriously don't think that the debate is about the veracity of a religion or the circumstances of its birth, it's about the increasing communautarism in our societies. Bad luck for you ! it happens that i know many people who live in Canada (Montreal,Toronto),"natives" and arabs/muslims and i can assure you that what you are posting in this thread is just in your imaginary world highly influenced by conservative media and TV shows. Today, it's about arabs and muslims (because of the economic interests in the middle east) who knows ? maybe in the future it will be chinese and their disrespect of human rights, or russians and their homophobic laws or south eastern Asia and the increasing human trading there :) But it is becoming clear that you have some goals making this propaganda on this thread ... the way you insist on using the same arguments again and again!
  15. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Media manipulation is not anymore a conspiracy, they will do propaganda for those who pay the best! Take a look to this speech by the Hezbollah leader, who is considered as a terrorist : (his speech on ISIS starts around minute 40:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzusSqcotDw ---------- Post added at 04:21 ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 ---------- A speech full of discrimation ... you seem to forget that they are also Canadian citizens and they have same rights/duties like any other ethnicity in Canada! And by the way, when you say "we" who are you talking about ? Europeans who came in boats, exterminated millions of autochthones and took their lands ? or slaves brought from Africa to do jobs whitemen can't do ? i think Canada is a cosmopolitan country, don't you ? Yeah, but as far as i know, Chinese way of life is not also compatible with western life (make a poll in Chinatown and see by yourself) ,it's called "diversity"! probably a widely used argument ,but irrelevant when you look into it. Christianism is from century 0 and Judaism from century -30 ,i don't see again what's the point of this? And seriously ,go to the church dude and get some priest to help you emptying the hatred in you! and don't vote for John Walsh's party ;)
  16. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Using social media proofs is just pathetic it's not professional at all, i can't find a better description! People are being dragged to a war by force and they 're not aware, a war that will generate even more terrorists, and motivated ones not just paid psychos believing in 1000 virgins after death, people who will lose their families and what made their lives and who will seek revenge for sure.
  17. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    ISIS makes up to 1 million dollars per day selling oil to the black market The question is what is the coalition doing ??? 30000 barrels sold each day ,IS has some intersting logistics :) @jblackrupert The 82 years old woman case was proven not to be a terrorist attack! Beware of media manipulation ... turning normal crimes committed by psychopaths into terrorist attack is a good tactic to make people think that ISIS is spreading around the world ,and terrorists coming out of nowhere. Neo conservatives are jumping on this IS story to do their dirty work again, they want an even bigger war to start in the middle east, so they can fill weaponery companies pockets.
  18. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Like it is stated in the video ,it's like the black guy from England story, which happened to be a car accident with an idiot claiming to be a terrorist (you can find a lot of youtube videos proving that ,lol that blood effect on his hand is so badly done :D) ,and the funny thing, is that the same story is used again ! like the England case, it is a car accident manipulated to look like a terrorist attack ! and why the guy posted on Facebook a photo of him face covered ? This is a normal accident of a drunk guy who hit two soldiers, and it has been turned into a cheap terrorist attack! Not surprising from a neo-conservative media.
  19. Xalteva

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    They will never meet! and that coalition against IS story is so pathetic when you compare it to Iraq's 2003 war ... not serious at all. How many planes were sent to fight the extremists ?? They want to make us believe they're fighting terrorism ? seriously... Assad says that it's a conspiracy against his country, maybe he is not that wrong! many colonels quit his army to joined the ISIS wahhabi funded joke ,those were the guys creating chaos!
  20. Xalteva

    Ukraine General

    And i say there was no plane at all ! i nominate that for the biggest lie of this year ... when you take a look to the explosion video (no plane falling from the sky) and the way those debris were put wiithout impact points (russian AA missile have a layer of steel balls) ,the passports intact ! besides the malaysian plane that mysteriously disappeared and reappeared in Ukraine !
  21. Xalteva

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    I found this video on youtube ,but i highly doubt they can pilot fighters ,otherwise that would only support my doubts concernign all this IS story (too good to be believable) :
  22. Xalteva

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Ok ! i will be more direct ... Turkey knows exactly who is financing these IS guys ,the fight against them will drain its ressources uselessly, so they just keep an eye on kurds who are easier to manage,and who have also their agenda.
  23. Xalteva

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    And i hate "dry" news/fantasies or movie-like scenarios of brave and evil people. And i don't see what is conspirational in my comment ! maybe ,it's just too tough for you ,i can understand :)