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Everything posted by Velvet_Llama

  1. Velvet_Llama

    TMR Modular Realism

    Wow, I can't believe I haven't stumbled across this mod yet. This is just fantastic work Taosenai! And you've been doing all of this alone? Very impressive. I know you're "only" scripting, but with all of the research, documentation, and tutorial missions- that's a lot of work for one person (especially work of such high quality!). All I can say is keep up the great work man. This is easily one of the few "must have" Arma 3 mods.
  2. Well I'm glad I speak Spanish (even if I don't speak it well), this is looking great, just like all of your past work! :D
  3. Velvet_Llama

    Flares = Useless?

    I learned very quickly playing the A-10 in DCS that my bad ass tank stomper was helpless against AA. Even after logging hundreds of hours in the virtual cockpit I still pretty much assume I'm about to get hit if I'm foolish enough to allow an AA unit to get a good lock and fire. Hell I usually set up a countermeasure program to pop small amounts of chaff and flares on attack runs if there is so much as the possibility of AA operating in the area. One of my proudest early moments in the game was sucessfully landing after a helicopter took out an engine, stabilizer, and half of a wing. Had to jettison all my stores and I lost the landing gear in the bargain, but I survived :) More to the point, AA and countermeasures in Arma are not particularly realistic (of course I've never flown a plane, much less a combat aircraft, in real life so I could be talking out of my rear), and it would be nice if they were more realistic- but I also recognize that development time and cpu cycles are both finite resources and flight is not part of the "core" Arma experience. So if those resources are devoted to other things that most people will spend more time experiencing, I understand. I'm not trying to be one of those "BI can do no wrong" fanboys- I'm just saying in this case it's understandable.
  4. Velvet_Llama

    When is this game going to be good?

    I agree that the development of this game has not been without disappointment- I think the devs would (and have) agree(d) with that. I also don't think there's anything wrong with holding BI to a high standard- that helps to ensure that they also hold themselves to a high standard in their work. Yet I really have to disagree with your statement that you are paying for cut content. As others have pointed out, it is clearly stated upfront that content is subject to change. I understand that it is frustrating paying for something, assuming it will be part of the final product, and then finding out it's been cut. But you have to look at it this way- you paid less than full price for the game. Part of the reason for that lower price is the fact that you are taking on somewhat of a risk by purchasing the product before its finalized and you know exactly what you'll be getting. I was willing to pay before knowing what the final product would be based on my enjoyment of BI's previous products, but I still knew that there was the chance that the game could turn out to be a mess and then I'd be SOL. To me the risk was offset by the lower purchase price and early access. Just my take.
  5. Velvet_Llama

    When is this game going to be good?

    It is strange you're getting such sluggish performance. For instance, I'm playing this on a 3 year old laptop (grad student, no money :( ). i7 processor, ATI Mobility Radeon 5600, 1GB VRAM, 8GB RAM, and I usually get around 40-50 FPS using a mixture of low to standard settings. Hopefully whatever is causing your hardware to not get along with the engine is fixed by the time the full game is released. ---------- Post added at 18:32 ---------- Previous post was at 18:28 ---------- That sounds like a pretty cool set of ideas to me. Great way to try and integrate many of the different systems in Arma into one cohesive game. Make it happen, get to work! ;)