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About epso-sage

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  1. epso-sage

    Mag Repack

    Well i got it to work with the client side "init.sqf" but can't get it to work just from the server. ill send you a drive link for the .pbo Thanks for all your help you are the most helpful modder out there
  2. epso-sage

    Mag Repack

    I can not seam to get this to work on a wasteland file. I can get it to work if i have all the wasteland files except for the init.sqf file and that one only has "[] execVM "outlw_magRepack\MagRepack_init_sv.sqf";" in it. if i try and add the rest of the wasteland files it will not do the repack. if i add a "};" below the line it allows the repack to work but not the wasteland mod. any ideas. I have added the whole wasteland init.sqf without the repack line added. // @file Version: 1.2 // @file Name: init.sqf // @file Author: [404] Deadbeat, [GoT] JoSchaap // @file Created: 20/11/2012 05:13 // @file Description: The main init. // @file Args: #include "setup.sqf" #include "patch.sqf" StartProgress = false; enableSaving[false,false]; X_Server = false; X_Client = false; X_JIP = false; hitStateVar = false; versionName = "1.4"; if(isServer) then { X_Server = true;}; if(!isDedicated) then { X_Client = true;}; if(isNull player) then {X_JIP = true;}; mf_compile = compileFinal (' private "_path"; _path = ""; if (typeName _this == "STRING") then { _path = _this; } else { _path = format["%1\%2", _this select 0, _this select 1]; }; compileFinal preProcessFileLineNumbers _path; '); mf_init = compileFinal ' private "_path"; _path = ""; if (typeName _this == "STRING") then { _path = _this; } else { _path = format["%1\%2", _this select 0, _this select 1]; }; _path call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers format["%1\init.sqf", _path]; '; true spawn { if(!isDedicated) then { titleText ["Welcome to Magnon Wasteland, Have patience your Player will be created!", "BLACK", 0]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; client_initEH = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {removeAllWeapons (_this select 0);}]; }; }; //init Wasteland Core [] execVM "config.sqf"; [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; [] execVM "antihack.sqf"; fn_vehicleInit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "client\functions\fn_vehicleInit.sqf"; if(!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; //Wipe Group. if(count units group player > 1) then { diag_log "Player Group Wiped"; [player] join grpNull; }; [] execVM "client\init.sqf"; }; if(X_Server) then { diag_log format ["############################# %1 #############################", missionName]; diag_log format["WASTELAND SERVER - Initilizing Server"]; [] execVM "server\init.sqf"; [] execVM "antihack.sqf"; }; //init 3rd Party Scripts diag_log format["WASTELAND SERVER - Initilizing R3F"]; [] execVM "addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"; diag_log format["WASTELAND SERVER - Initilizing Weather"]; [] execVM "addons\scripts\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf"; removeNegativeScore = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\removeNegativeScore.sqf"; clientRelayHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "client\functions\clientRelayHandler.sqf"; getBallMagazine = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "client\functions\getBallMagazine.sqf"; if (isNil "fn_findString") then { fn_findString = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "client\functions\fn_findString.sqf";}; if (isNil "fn_filterString") then { fn_filterString = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "client\functions\fn_filterString.sqf";}; if (isNil "clientRelaySystem") then { clientRelaySystem = []; }; "clientRelaySystem" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[_this] call clientRelayHandler}; [] execVM "addons\proving_Ground\init.sqf"; config_sated_health_regen_threshold = compileFinal "1"; config_items_jerrycans_max = compileFinal "1"; config_items_syphon_hose_max = compileFinal "1"; config_player_donations_enabled = compileFinal "0"; config_refuel_amount_default = compileFinal "0.25"; config_initial_spawn_money = compileFinal "100"; if(!isServer) then { clientStarted = player; publicVariableServer "clientStarted"; execVM "client\functions\removeWatermark.sqf"; };
  3. @JoSchaap - Thanks for the quick reply. Is there and word on the Squad spawns and Player Saves or how to get them to work?
  4. I would like to edit the amount of money that is available to new spawns but I can not find the place to do it. can someone help me with how to do that. Is there a way to allow for players in a group to spawn on the group leader? I have seen player saves on other servers and have had no luck finding out how to enable this. thanks for the help.