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About lacb

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  1. This thread was moved without my knowing...its was made in another part of the forum!!!! You or some administrator can delete it!
  2. Go see my other thread Thread: Need to Edit SP Map - Can´t merge files to return to PBO
  3. Ok! First I Dpbo the map mod (DayzFaction) with Eliteness. In the folder I took the mission file and put it in mydocs/arma2/missions/edit.Chernarus (folder that I created there)! Open the game and in single player open the editor...load the edit.Chernarus. Click in markers and drag Center, spawn_west, spawn0, spawn1, spawn2 and 3 to the location where you want the player start. Center nearby..spawn_west near at left...You just need one spawnpoint so detete the spawn1 and 2 and 3, just keep spawn0. Put the player in the map...units(F1) double click in the location, choose what you want. Put spawn0 over it. Save the map (choose name). Close arma2. Go to mydocs/arma2/missions/folder you created and open the mission file. In mine there were 100 items, class item0, with player_dlg...Just need one delete 99. There was A player like that: class Item0 { position[]={12064.754,1.7720655,3155.0491}; id=0; side="WEST"; vehicle="US_Delta_Force_TL_EP1"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1; rank="LIEUTENANT"; skill=0.60000002; So I kept that! You can edit position, need three numbers x, y, z! Thats your spawn point! Mine was ok! Beware with the { and } cause if its wrong game don´t load! Them I search for class markers, something like that: class Markers { items=7; (3) class Item0 { position[]={7839.6055,381.33774,8414.7324}; name="center"; type="Empty"; }; class Item1 { position[]={-18697.58,379.53012,25815.256}; name="respawn_west"; type="Empty"; }; class Item2 { position[]={12064.754,1.7720655,3155.0491}; name="spawn0"; type="Empty"; Delete everything else, in this class! In items was 7 I change it for 3! Save and close! Now you need to find the init file in the folder you dpbo! Open it... In mine there was: server_playerLogin = { _playerObj = player; _clientID = owner _playerObj; // dayzPlayerLogin = []; dayzPlayerLogin = [[],[],[],[12064.754,1.7720655,3155.0491],true,dayz_versionNo,typeOf player,true,false]; _clientID publicVariableClient "dayzPlayerLogin"; }; I edited the highlited ones! To change spawnpoint for mine! Them: server_playerSetup = { _playerObj = player; _clientID = owner _playerObj; _position = getPosATL _playerObj; waitUntil { _mkr = format["spawn%1",round(random 1)]; _position = ([(getMarkerPos _mkr),0,10,10,0,10,1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos); _validPos = ((_position select 0) != 0); _validPos Changed the highlited ones. In the _mkr I fixed the random start for only one - position with 10 meters of my spawnpoint maximum! Take the mission and init files and return them to the original folder...with Eliteness pbo the folder and put it in the arma2 missions folder again! Mine is (C:) Programfiles(86)/Arma2/missions (Win 7). My player now start in the point I chose and with the gear of a special ops! I just don´t get the uniform because its not in the mod database...that will be my next work..Include in mod database the special ops uniform! Need help, anyone?
  4. I did it! Now I get the same spawn point every time!!! The player is using allmost all the gear there I chose, but the wear! Now I want to learn how to spawn some units at the start. And change the wear! It was try and fail severall times but I did...Not bad for a guy who never edited scripts! If anyone could teach me how to change the wear and add some units at start, I do very pleased! Thanks If anyone wants to know how I get fixed starting point..just ask for.
  5. lacb

    COWarMod Release

    Hi Thanks for the help! I did it...open a Thread "Need to Edit SP Map - Can´t merge files to return to PBO". If you have some time please take a look there. I advanced, but now I´m stucked with the Script! Thanks
  6. Well I don´t know nothing about editing scripts. Considering that the game spawn the player at several different locations each time you restart, I think its a file and looks like the one I mention in Title! The file begin like below: /* INITILIZATION */ /* if ((Player getVariable "SpareTime") > 0) then {... */ EAST setFriend [RESISTANCE, 0]; WEST setFriend [RESISTANCE, 0]; WEST setFriend [EAST, 0]; EAST setFriend [WEST, 0]; private ["_plyr","_kilr"]; isServer = false; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions //uNkn0wnn call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\init\daizy_functions.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\mission\mission_functions.sqf"; Thats the reason of this post! I need help! Anyone?
  7. Hi, welcome! Thanks for the tip! I download the Eliteness and get to return the mission file to the PBO Mod. The DaiZyFaction one. But whem I open the game with the map, the game start me in another place as survivor like always. But I did open the PBO Mod again (extracted the mission file) and my changes were there. So, now I need to change the start script to load my character in the place I chose, using my playable character instead the original. Well, how can I do that? Anyone? Thanks
  8. Like I said PBOManager 1.4 beta Them I extract the mission file to mydoc/arma2/missions...I use a folder named Factions.Chernarus inside the missions folder. And open it in the arma2 oa single player editor. Them I begin to make the changes.
  9. I want to edit a SP map. Need to create a fixed start spawn point with some units (US Army units -for recon and search). Add some intel in certain points. Add some gear and vehicle. I´m using a Faction Dayz map mod with zombies and bandits. I´m using Arma2 - OA Version 1.62 - Beta Patch - CBA_CO - COWarMod 1.2 - DaiZyFaction map mod Using tools: PBOManager 1.4 - Arma2 3D to 2D - Single Player Map Editor (Arma2 OA). I extract the mission file from DaiZyFaction map, open it in the Editor, do the changes, get it to 2D, them try to merge it with the mission. And here is where I´m having problems. Whem I try to Preview them the bandits and the zombies is gone. Whem I try to merge the 2D with the mission file it dosen´t work. I need help. How can I do the changes and return the mission to the DaiZyFaction map? Thanks for the help Lacb
  10. Hi, I want to edit some SP map Dayz (pbo) including a fixed point for player spawn, with some units. Some intel in a certain point and others minor changes. I try to edit by Arma oa editor using an SP map (Dayz Faction), but whem I go to game there's no zombies and no bandits. I'm playing this map (with factions - Bandits and zombies). I just want to create some goal to play. How can I do that...I mean edit the map. Thanks
  11. lacb

    COWarMod Release

    I did a look in the posts and didn´t find one to post...So where can I find a discussing post for my need? Can I open a thread? Where? Thanks for your pacience
  12. lacb

    COWarMod Release

    Hi Well I don´t know if I can Post this here...but I don´t have another post to ask for... I´m trying to edit some SP map..But I´m having problems. Whem I play the edited map there´s no zombies... I'd like to play SP with a map and edit it to create a simple mission with special units. Don´t need to modify script its just a special units and a search for some intel in a certain place. Just to add some goal! I´m using a map with bandits and zombies (Haleks map)...but whem i try to edit it them all gonne! Thanks
  13. I wanna know what the best AI in the mod for survivors kind, not military...in exploration and enganging zombies. Thanks
  14. lacb

    COWarMod Release

    _____________________________________________________________________ Hi.. I change the map I was using...I´m using now Dayz Factions (Haleck). Now the spawned mobs engage the zombies. The Ai seems working fine...I´m using ASR_AI. It´s ok for now. Many thanks for your attention! And great job with the mod! Thanks for the welcome... Forgive the poor English...its not my main language!
  15. lacb

    COWarMod Release

    Hi.. I´m using Dayz_SP Ultimate map. I did spawn survivors to help me...but they don´t shoot zombies just bandits. I used your mod..like follow: @COWarMod + User config + Keys...I´m using DayZ 1.7.7 (Up to date with Dayz commander) + CBA_CO. I wanna know how I´m get the mobs(survivors) engage zombies? I try to use ZeusAI...creating a folder @ZeusAI with the addons. Put everything in the OA beta patch..all the description. The game start...its all working but the mobs don´t engage zombies. What am I doing wrong? Many Thanks!