I was wondering, when I open a door on my island life server, the "open door" still stays there yet the door is open.
This is the code for the frontdoor:
if ((_house == "frontdoor") and (player distance _housename <= 10)) then
_housename animate ["FrontDoor",1];
[_housename, 'FrontDoor_AP', 'MBG_B3_OpenDoor',4,(_this)] execvm 'MBG_Buildings_3\MPSound.sqf';
if ((_house == "cfrontdoor") and (player distance _housename <= 10)) then
_housename animate ["FrontDoor",0];
[_housename, 'FrontDoor_AP', 'MBG_B3_OpenDoor',4,(_this)] execvm 'MBG_Buildings_3\MPSound.sqf';
"cfrontdoor" is obviously close front door.
I just want it to remove the action once the door is open and only leave me with the close door action until the door is closed again, then remove the close door action.