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Posts posted by TheDuh

  1. Well Guys and Gals!

    {B'E'L} Behind Enemy Lines has a great server with good team play aspects.... the best part is its PvP

    Its been remodeled for this and currently we have 3 smaller 30 man 3 team conquest style PvP missions...

    As well as a 75 man across the entire island of stratis and Mobs of vehicles to tear people up with :p

    I honestly believe if people were to see this mode for what it offers this could become a favorite for many people that would like to see more PvP in Arma 3's Beta

    Anyways... Give us a shot guys and come play with us sometime :)

    Teamspeak 3 channel :


    Server Name :

    Behind Enemy Lines | Dedicated Server | Dallas, TX


    Anyways hope all is well and hope to see you on the battlefield!!

  2. Hey, our clan really likes your missions here and were wondering with the VAB is there a way for me to fit the =BTC= Revive with it?

    Mostly just to respawn with our selected weapons...

    If there is any way to do that alone i would greatly appreciate some help!

    Thanks in advance!
