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About K4MPFK4T3R

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  1. Hello Guys, I have little Problem with my ACRE. If i started to play an ArmA 2 Mission with ACRE everything is fine. But i realise that i sometimes cant hear normal Voice over Teamspeak. On my 2nd. monitor i can see my Bro is talking over Teamspeak and InGame i often cant hear him. Playing like this isn't possible. For Example: "Hey! Did ..... see ..... ?" I know it is a very bad Example but better as nothing. I search in a lot of Forum for an answer but there wasn't the correct Answer... :( My System: ArmA 2 CO with newest Beta Patch (Steam) Teamspeak (i also try to downgrade and start with Admin permissions) Newest ACRE, CBA, JayArma2Lib (I also try JayArmA2Lib_new), ACE, and BWMod. Alpinestars ArmA 2 Launcher So i hope someone can help me :) P.S. Sorry for my bad English. Im from Germany.