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Everything posted by ddave

  1. ddave

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Thanks The optics key works to switch views in vehicles. It is mapped to secondary mouse, and this wasn't working in vehicles. I mapped it to another key and now it works. The grenade ACE enhancement works, it's the firemode key that doesn't. I can Sh+~ to safe, Sh+1 to select the rifle, etc. But when I use the F key to switch firemodes nothing happens. Do you just press F and that's it?
  2. ddave

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi, I have quick question. I am using ACE + COWARMODACE. I have tried using the ACE separate firemode/grenade throw keys. They all seem to work fine, EXCEPT the F firemode select key? I even changed the default F to Z using the clippi tool to see if there was a key bind issue. Still nothing. Another thing I noticed is that in some vehicles I am stuck in a 3d look around view mode when I should be looking through the sight/periscope. For example as driver in the bmp, or in the turret in the main gunner position. Sometimes when I move to different positions or turn in I get to the correct view, but other times I am stuck in the 3d view mode looking at a 3d model of the gunsight or view port, but not able to look through it. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
  3. Ok, I know you guys have been working for years to make this game ultra-realistic and then I show up after having the game a couple of weeks and ask a stupid question like how do I make it realistic, but hear me out. I have been using arma2 combined ops off steam. I have tried alternately, COWARMOD, ACE2, and ACE2 w/ COWARMODACE to see what all the goodies you guys have added are like. I play on the hard settings where you have to look through the sights to aim. I bought the game because it was supposed to realistic. I have been playing the quick missions and making up my own using the editor against the AI. I can't believe that after all the work that has been spent modding arma2 in the above mods for years, that the AI still has godlike accuracy and awareness? Am I the only one that doesn't like getting headshot by an ak47 from hundreds yards as I peek around a corner? Or prone behind a rock on a hillside and the same ak is hitting me from 500+ yards like they are shining a light on me.
  4. I modified the StealthRecognitionValues.hpp for a little less detection. I modified the AI skill coefficients in asr_ai_settings.hpp This seems to keep the AI from immediately killing me when it spots me. To be fair, the game is very realistic, but the limitations of the view resolution on a monitor make it very difficult. I am having problems commanding my squad. I think that some of the mods are making them ultra cautious. So they essentially creep along and barely move. Sometimes they refuse to move at all. Does this sound like vanilla arma2 or is the squad AI getting overridden by mods in ace2 + cowarmod? This stopping and creeping movement makes the game unplayable as it was designed. I don't have a squad that fights with me, I have a group of guys who stay 200-300 yards behind me when I have to move. I have tried all the squad commands, including ARD commands. I think this is related to when the squad knows there are enemies around. Is there a mod relating to the amount of camo you get from being in the shade? IE, you are inside a building, in the dark? The AI seems to be able to spot me as easily inside a building as out. This, along with building clipping issues, mean that I am struggling to see enemies outside a building, while they seem to be able to see me clearly?
  5. ddave

    COWarMod Release

    Thanks, I modified the StealthRecognitionValues.hpp for a little less detection. I also modified the AI skill coefficients in asr_ai_settings.hpp I set them from 1 to .1 to see what happens. This has a big effect on accuracy, so that will probably do what I want for game balance. Part of the problem is that at the distances "real" combat occurs my 1920x1200 monitor just can't display anything comparable to the human eye. So I'm always getting shot by people I can't see. I noticed that when engaging enemies around/inside buildings, that the AI can sometimes detect and shoot at me with no apparent LOS? Also they are able to kill me by shooting through the walls of the mud brick buildings when I am inside. Is this part of the game mechanics or is it a clipping issue with the building models? Any mod settings I can tweak for this? Like a camo modifier for units inside buildings to help them hide? the AI seems to be able to easily spot me when I'm looking out a window at them.
  6. Thanks I see that in the COWARMOD and COWAMODACE mods. I am currently using ACE + COWARMOD, so I should be using that. Do I need to configure it somehow?
  7. ddave

    COWarMod Release

    I have been trying different things based on the advice you gave me. I tried COWARMOD and then ACE2. I appreciate how much effort you and others have put into modding arma2, but it is extremely frustrating. I have been playing the single custom missions where missions are generated randomly based on what you want. This works much better than the buggyness in the armory. On both COWARMOD and ACE2: On all the different maps when my team is inserted there is nearly 100% chance of myself or teammates wounded/dying leaving the helo as scripted. I have read that some people take control of the helo directly to prevent problems like this? I don't have that command option. After my team gets under fire they still can freeze and refuse to follow move orders even when they are calling out all clear. I tried the ARD commands. I have tried all the normal commands, they don't move. Update: I figured out I can switch to the different members using the U key, when I switch to the stuck guys, they are breathing heavily like they are out of breath, and they seem to be stuck in a squatting position, so when I press forward they seem to get up slowly but then move ok. This seems to unstick them, until they get stuck again. The AI seems to have xray vision and sees all. It puts a laser stream of bullets right on the tree I am prone, hiding behind, when my team is calling out contact 500m in the woods. I know there are mods that affect the AI behavior/accuracy, like mounted_mg_dispersion in COWARMOD. I read about RUG High Dispersion, have you tried that? It is for all the plain weapons in OA I think, but I don't know if it will apply to any new weapons in COWARMOD? Update: I found COWARMODACE 1.3, so I am going to try those files. I'd like to configure the mods so that the AI has more realistic awareness and accuracy. Thanks
  8. ddave

    COWarMod Release

    Thanks, I will try the ARD commands. I had remapped the ARD F1 key, I am not sure why they made it the same as the F1 squad selection key. Yes, I have seen the suppressed effects, I really like that. When my squad freezes I think they are falling into some kind of no move state. Last time it was just 2 out of 3 guys. We weren't under fire. I think it may be map related, with a certain location on a map. Most of the time they are doing what I say. It's just frustrating when it happens. I looked at the RUG_DSAI readme, I was looking for way to remove the dumb shouts, but leave in any mission related info I am getting. Is RUG_DSAI giving mission related info? Clockfacing report is active, but if I am looking around I find it not so useful. It's hard to pay attention when my team is shouting out inane comments all the time. I'd love to try out a mod that provides more info on contacts. I think you are right on the step over / run bug, I noticed it was saying "set squad leader" or something like that. I was using the down arrow mapped to step over. I see that gdtmod lets me take command of a squad using the down arrow when in the commanding mode menu. I don't think I had that menu open, but I was getting the msg anyway.
  9. ddave

    COWarMod Release

    Is there anything in COWARMOD that helps my squad do what I say? I learned how to select and command my squad, and set them into teams, change formation/stance, regroup, goto point, set awareness, all the basic commands. I am playing through the village sweep mission and at some point some or all of my team simply stop following orders. I tried to set their awareness to different levels, and order them to move. I cant even get them to stand up. This seems bizarre, I read that there was some weirdness with the AI, pathfinding and getting trapped in a no-move state. It makes the game unplayable. Also pressing the step over key while running up to a fence makes me run unless I can enter a vehicle, then movement is normal. Is there a script in COWARMOD that makes the AI do something I order it to? What about calling the contacts in a degree heading? I was reading about the server options for RUG DSAI for MP games. I didn't see a related member in the user config folder. Can I set these options for SP games? Thanks
  10. ddave

    COWarMod Release

    Hey thanks for responding. I messed around in SP and I didn't notice any problems, and there were cowarmod features and changes that weren't in armory.
  11. ddave

    COWarMod Release

    Is this the right thread for COWARMOD issues? I just got ARMA2 combined ops from steam. I am using the ARMA2 OA button on the steam app which executes _runA2CO.cmd file to launch ArmA2OA.exe the _runA2CO.cmd file adds the following to the exe: -mod=% _ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@COWarMod I added the ;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@COWarMod part This loads ARMA2 with the ARMA2 and ARMA2OA logos on the bottom left. CBA CBA_A2 CBA_OA and COWarMod are listed at the top right. The ARMA2 version # is 1.62.95248 I added the COWARMOD folder, user config and keys files into the ARMA2 OA folder. I played ARMA2 OA armory before adding the COWARMOD with no problems, after adding the COWARMOD I am getting the following problems: on Utes I can do one challenge then I am unable to accept any more challenges. The interface is messed up. Hitting ESC brings up several popups:Start VFladder, the normal ESC dialog, call for support, and troopmon2. in Chernarus I get a no entry bin\config.bin/cfg.weapons popup when I accept a challenge, the challenge fails, and when I accept any other challenge, it fails immediately. in Takistan, same as Utes but I get stuck in a 3rd person view, and can't leave, alttab out and kill the exe. I am using 1.4 full version of COWARMOD More testing: Using the beta version on steam I am able to play missions in the armory. The problems seem to occur after the 1st accepted mission. I can click on the accept or decline buttons on the new challenge mission popup, but nothing happens. I can esc out of the popup. New challenge popup, same thing. on the utes map I did get a bc6_feeling_icons\data\ico\bc6_l_dmr_ca.paa missing msg after accepting a mission. Hitting ESC still brings up several popups:Start VFladder, the normal ESC dialog, call for support, and troopmon2. With the error behavior changes in regular vs beta vers of combined ops with cowarmod using steam, there must be something about the steam version and or steam game setup that is slightly incompatible with cowarmod?