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About tezz311

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  1. tezz311

    TCG Copyright

    I can elaborate more. GamerZ added some code to a handful of addons that would throw out some sort of value and match it up with the servers code. The way around this is simply re-signing the addons both in the addonsync repositry and the ones used on the server. It was simple but it proved effective in stopping copy paste servers of TCG's Mission being used and diverting players away. Source: Former Administrator TCG
  2. Hi there I'm working on porting a model into arma and the poly count is about 40,000 how could I cheat the poly count system. someone told me it was possible to use proxies and create a proxy of some of the parts to cut down the count but is there any easier ways? I'm not to sure on the proxy method because I don't know what the best practice is for it do config the entire as one solid 40k unit then break parts off to be used as proxies.
  3. Tried larrows suggestion still doesn't work?
  4. It for some reason keeps coming up with "error no defined variable" I'll paste my code in see if I did anything wrong ///// Master Variable Arrays V0.1A ///// experiance = 2500; skillpoints = 22500; infamy = 1200; //// Player Initialization //// if (isPlayer ranger1) then hint format["Skill Points: %1 \nInfamy: %2 \nexperiance %3",skill,infamy,experiance];
  5. I need help modifying my variables its a simple case of I want one script to hold all the variables for my mission. lets say I have a script that displays a hint with the total value of earned XP and I have another script tied to a feature where if you complete that specific task it adds XP to the HUD display how can I call the variable from another script to be modified?