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About Falloutperson416

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. The title says it all, the only requirements for the role are you aren't a squeaker and you have a decent microphone. You'll be added as a contributor on the missions workshop page. PM me or add me on steam (Falloutperson416) if you're interested, Thanks in advance
  2. Falloutperson416

    Need a voice actor for a short role

    The role was filled a while ago, sorry about that. Thank you for your interest however, appreciate it!
  3. Title says it all. The role will require 10 or so lines being voice acted. Any accent is okay, it doesn't matter. My Steam name is ℱαƖƖout, let me know if you're interested.
  4. Falloutperson416

    Need a voice actor for a small role

    I'm sorry, search this: ℱαƖƖout I was able to find myself using my full name (Falloutperson416) for a while, I guess Steam realized I changed it.
  5. Title says it all. The roll is relatively small, no more than 10 lines. The character is a First Sergeant in his early 40's. Your voice needs to pass for that of an adult, and your mic quality must be decent. Add me on Steam if you're interested: Falloutperson416 Thanks!
  6. Falloutperson416

    Looking to Recruit a Voice Actor

    I need 1 more actor for a small role, if anyone is interested.
  7. I have this code for my mission intro: -------INTRO.SQF-------- ? ((paramsArray select 0) == 0) : goto "del" _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] showcinemaborder true; ;comment "9:42:02"; _camera camPrepareTarget [-43089.19,-71679.15,10.18]; _camera camPreparePos [11711.06,11979.53,9.77]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 ~42 ;comment "10:08:51"; _camera camPrepareTarget [-84333.59,-10541.94,95.30]; _camera camPreparePos [10774.42,20212.38,51.65]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 ~23 titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", 1] ~2 player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"] camDestroy _camera #del {if (count crew _x > 0) then { {deletevehicle _x} foreach crew _x }; deletevehicle _x} foreach _this ? ((paramsArray select 0) == 0) : goto "end" titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5] #end skiptime (((paramsArray select 1) - daytime + 24) % 24); exit Everything works fine, except the exit. The mission doesn't proceed out of the intro to the actual mission, the camera just keeps going. How can I get it to switch to the actual mission? Thanks!
  8. Falloutperson416

    Looking to Recruit a Voice Actor

    Hello, I'm in need of one voice actor to fill a main role in an upcoming mission of mine. If you're curious as to what kind of missions I make, this was my latest: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=290901740 The mission I'm making now is indirectly related to that one Requirements: - Can't be a squeaker (You don't need to be 18 plus etc. but your voice has to pass for that of someone in their mid 20's. If you think your voice does qualify and you are not 18+, I will be the final judge of it.) - Decent Microphone (You don't need a $200 crown jewel of mics but it can't sound like ♥♥♥♥ either) Let me know if you are interested! Feel free to add me on Steam: Falloutperson416 Thanks!
  9. Falloutperson416

    How to make task to heal ai?

    Thanks :)
  10. Title says it all. How can I make a task to heal a player? I know how to make the task but how can I set the task to completed when the player heals the ai? Thanks!
  11. I've got dialog between player and ai in a helicopter, but they use direct channel. How can I force vehicle chat for this dialog? Thanks!
  12. I have searched around for this, but can't find a clear answer. I'm wondering how exactly you create the Bikb files. Is it a special program you need? I understand the code that goes into them but how do you create the actual file? Thanks!
  13. Falloutperson416

    How to make artillery support conditional?

    Tasks don't have on Act fields. Where else can i put that last bit of code? ---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 20:04 ---------- Nevermind, I've found another way. I desynced the request module and the player, and a trigger has the code unit synchronizeObjectsAdd [object] and this works well. So, unit is the player name, object is the module name.
  14. Falloutperson416

    How to make artillery support conditional?

    Yes I have, the artillery is still accessible at mission start.
  15. Falloutperson416

    How to make artillery support conditional?

    Doesn't work unfortunately, I'm still able to call support even before the triggers conditions are met. Simply syncing a hide module alone to the support request module has no effect.