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About alexun

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  1. alexun

    Tanks - Vanguard MP Mode

    I like the idea of the game mode. I wanted to introduce him to friends. Unfortunately there was too much team kill. Blows my friends gave up explaining that he did not want to play anymore and that it did not give them any desire to buy your super DLC tanks. Could you disable friendly fire on your servers?
  2. alexun

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hello. Could you explain to me what file finds the setting of the factions that will confront each other in becti? It is not very realistic to have blacks and dull skin on a map of Eastern Europe. Thank you.
  3. alexun

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    hi. I see this yesterday. It's good. I like.
  4. alexun

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    hi. Could someone tell me how the parameter value of the reward for when we destroyed an enemy? thank you.
  5. alexun

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Gilb contact me by steam:Alexun I have a thing for you.
  6. alexun

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hi. I Thank You for help about the workers. Could you explain the functioning of the files "Squad_West.sqf" and "Squad_East.sqf." It is not very provided explanations. I need that these functions were detailed to me _v = []; ??? _t = []; ??? _p = []; ??? _f = []; ??? _m = []; ??? _c = []; ??? _s = []; ??? and also what coresspondent the numerical values ​​of the right classnames: As below: // _v = _v + ["Motorized"]; // _t _t + = ["Motorized - Transportation"]; // _p = _p + [[["O_Truck_03_covered_F", 1]]]; ("1" corresponds to what?) // _f = _f + [CTI_LIGHT] // = _m _m + [1000]; // ("1000" corresponds to what?) // _c = _c + ["MotorizedTransport"]; // _s = _s + [[["Transport"], ["TransportFitCargo", 40]]]; _v = _v + ["Motorized"]; _t _t + = ["Motorized - MPRAP"]; _p = _p + [[["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F", 3], ["O_MRAP_02_gmg_F", 2, 75]]]; // ("2, 75" corresponds to what?) _f = _f + [CTI_LIGHT] _m _m = + [1200]; _c = _c + ["Motorized"]; _s = _s + [[]]; Why the "O_Truck_03_covered_F" it contains you _s = _s: "// _s = _s + [[[" Transport "], [" TransportFitCargo ", 40]]];" And why this entire section is isolated by "//"? I Thank You in advance for the explanation you can give me. ps: I hope that unless I manage to make me understand. I do not speak English well.
  7. alexun

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hi. How to change the appearance of the workers? Thank you in advance.