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Posts posted by Seshins

  1. You just never figured out how to use any of you launchers, did you?

    I know that Six has the worst UI in the history of programming, but there are easier programs out there.

    A vehicle mod is ONE folder. One. My clan uses the Paladin and the Raven UAV and no one has had a nervous breakdown yet.

    Also, I routinely see servers running DOZENS of mods.

    You have just become emotionally invested in the failure of ArmA 3 to an incredible degree, calling Altis a 'Takistan 2.0 desert' and whatnot. For a long time now you have ceased to see reality through anything but a hysterically pessimistic lens a meter thick.


    i agree, we use 9 mods on our servers, incuding AiA and everything is sweet. just create a .bat file and shortcut it to your desktop, makes life easier than running Six or any of the other launchers

  2. Ive been playing since OFP and i have to say despite its short comings i really enjoy arma3 and the capability it can offer. i feel that arma2 was "clunky" in comparison and is less enjoyable to play because of this, in my opinion anyway. as for the whole 40+ weapons thing i love having a core group of weapons that can be customised to nearly any situation, not have to decide on 105856739204 weapons for all the scenarios i could encounter. you can have a core firearm and carry additions in your kit to change out as required.

    Also regarding the lack of content at release, it is a bit disappointing, however ill reserve judgement on the final version WHEN IVE ACTUALLY PLAYED IT.

    #flame suit on
