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stormin norman

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Everything posted by stormin norman

  1. Whenever I'm in a tank or attack helicopter as gunner there is no way to turn off stabilization/gun facing. If the vehicle pivots to a different direction the gun always faces the original direction. This is driving me mad. Give us the option to turn off the turret control when we need it. Can never keep the weapon system facing 12 0'clock of the vehicle. Yes, I know about CTRL + T, but that is specific to missile target lock. There must be an object/class that turns off rotation because it does turn off when gunner "turns out" or turret is disabled. Please help me.
  2. stormin norman

    new tank optiks .....

    It's really apparent when engaging infantry. How hard could it be to add zeroing?
  3. stormin norman

    Tanks tanks tanks...PROBLEMS!

    I'm sorely disappointed there are no firing ballistics computer on the main battle tanks. :( The laser range finder stays on indefinitely? Wouldn't it burn out after a few seconds? All we need for a "modern" system is a key binding for LRF and one for FCS. BI doesn't have to replicate it perfectly, but it very pedestrian the way they have it now. Edit: I noticed if you l "Lock" a target, the range indicator switches to "Auto." :bounce3: But it doesn't seem very accurate. need more testing.
  4. stormin norman

    ArmA 3 tank Fire Control Systems

    Please can we have a more "modern" fire control system for tanks? You don't have to simulate it perfectly but at least, have a key for activating the computer and one for laser. This totally ruins the immersion for me :-(
  5. No functional bi-pods for machine guns (automatic rifles). :mad:
  6. As in, engine limitation? What about working bi-pods? The Devs say anything about that?
  7. I agree with the OP 100%. ARMA 3's Infantry game play seems a little more fluid and dynamic, but some of the features need some more work or be included. Bi-pods are a must have. It's almost pointless equipping a squad support weapon without a realistic "weapon resting" model. You can't "cook" a grenade? It's nice having all these nice new and shinny toys (tanks: jets), but I'd be more interested if the Devs worked on fine tuning the more basic and fundamental features.