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Everything posted by Gamma24

  1. excuse me translation Map Test is a map open source learning or starting point for designing your environment in there with your A3 objects. It is kind of archipelago is well suited for insertion heli or sea, it has an area of 10 km with average hills. Includes PBO and open source file. instalation: - PBO: instaler the fichier@tesmap.pbo the root of your game - Open source: copy / paste the file on the disk P TestMap, open and load the visitor pew file. http://www.sendspace.com/file/a18ws3 http://i74.servimg.com/u/f74/12/33/13/72/arma3_18.jpg (136 kB) http://i74.servimg.com/u/f74/12/33/13/72/arma3_19.jpg (166 kB)
  2. person to inform me, please
  3. @ZeroG despite all my efforts I still have the problem arma.exe "S: \ SteamLibrary_Arma3 \ SteamApps \ common \ Arma 3 \ arma3.exe" C: \ Users \ YourNameHere \ Documents \ arma3 \ Gamma \ tasks \ Testmap2.TestMap \ mission.biedi "nosplash I invalid erreure post!
  4. Hello I visited your site, bravo screem are good, I hope to find this picture detail involved, the Toldi is beautiful. I think this mod will be a great success, due to the slight tanks start war.
  5. Gamma24

    MapTest A3 open source

    Hello I just perceive me a little erreure config.cpp in the file when you start the map from the PBO file, a window indicates erreure "no entry bin \ config.bin / cfgsurfacescharacters.MarshClutter. just close this window to properly launch the map in A3. For those who want to dévelloper an environment from the map and open source file, just edit these lines in the cpp file. GdtMarsh class: Default { access = ReadOnly; files = "* gdt_marsh_" character = "MarshClutter" soundEnviron = "dirt"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; rough = 0.15; maxSpeedCoef = 0.85; dust = 0.1; lucidity = 1.5; Replace "character =" MarshClutter "by character =" Empty "; Also do with all the class, *** GdtStratisSeabedCluttered, GdtStratisDryGrass, GdtStratisGreenGrass, GdtStratisRocky, GdtStratisThistles, GdtRubble, GdtForestPine, GdtGrassDry, GdtGrassWild, GdtWeed, GdtWildField, GdtStony, GdtStonyThistle, GdtMud, GdtMarsh
  6. Gamma24

    MapTest A3 open source

    @ foxhound Thank you for the online Armaholic
  7. Gamma24

    Working Doors etc..

    I do not quite understand your question, is that on your map you can not open the doors of a building? if so, what I suggest you open the example file structures_f / config.bin with unrap.exe config.cpp and paste this in your map file. Create a CA file in your map file + structures_f a file and paste it in the file config.cpp file
  8. hello I followed your tutorial, but I'm stuck at the stage of shortcut arma.exe could you be more clear about this. as raccorci does not work, I start the game with more addons test my addons map, I'm the GMS entry but no iconne on the map when I plce a tree. thank you for your optional precision of your tutorial.
  9. Gamma24

    MapTest A3 open source

    hello I never had a problem with sendspace the map is expected validation on Armaholic.
  10. @PepinKR j'ai réussi a transformé 1 rvmat dois je le faire pour chaque rvmat, la liste est astronomique ? Pepin puis je m'inscrire sur the servants, je cherche un groupe arma ? I got turned 1 rvmat should I do for each rvmat, the list is astronomical?
  11. hello I am delighted your mapping A3 board, I built two maps, one personal and one that I want to deliver to the community armed with open souce as base dévellopement. Still I can not use a Mat14, could you explain its use, thank you