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Posts posted by blackpixxel

  1. Fact is: Players who can't determine their fatique with the current system will also not be able to do so with a health bar. They must either be blind and deaf or completely stupid.

    The current system has enough signals to tell your the fatique level.

    And to all those arguments "In reallife i can do this and this":

    In real life you feel pain when you get shot, you can get mentally destroyed by war, you can become totally exhausted.

    I would say that making other things a LITTLE harder ingame is just a tiny compensation for all the advantages that the game has over real war.

  2. EDIT: Also, have you noticed that we would like it being an optional feature?

    Third person view and crosshairs are also optional features. And nearly every server has them.

    It is terrible that everything should be so easy and accessible. Is it really so hard to get a feeling for your fatique in game and to learn when you should make a rest?

    Every ACE player is perfectly able of doing so. That shows that a HUD symbol is unnecessary. And in ACE there is not even an animation slowdown. Just the sound of your heartbeat.

  3. All the arguments for the Fatique-Symbol are like the arguments for 3rd person + crosshair

    In real life you don't know exactly your fatique. You just know it very rough. And Arma 3 gives you rough indicators.

    The weapon shake, the sound of your breath, the slowdown, the blur.

    You always know whether you can keep on running or not. I am completely against everything that dumbs down the game more and more...

  4. I think a little postproces-effect would be enough. Just make the borders of your screen a bit darker from time to time. The more fatique, the more often and the more darker. But please - dont turn Arma even more into an arcade game. Third Person Players have enough advantages. This could be something to bring them back to first person view and to bring more fairness into the game.

  5. I feel a bit cheated by BI. There is nothing unique in the game. Arma 2 had so many different little things that made the game awesome. There is such a variety that you cant find in Arma 3. Every vehicle has its perfect balanced counterpart on the other side, and both feel THE SAME. And now you also see that they just used an apache cockpit for a futuristic russian helicopter.

  6. because you lift the optics / ironsight infront of your eyes.

    try it in reallife, you still hear you footsteps below yourself, not next to you.

    It is not that easy. You dont lift the weapon in front of your eyes, it stays at the shoulder like in the good old real life. But you move your head a bit to the right to be able to view through the optics. Of course only a tiny bit, but theoretically you should hear your footsteps a liiiiiitle bit louder on the left side. Of course it is extremly exagerated in Arma. This is because You dont move your head in the game, you just move your eye to the right much further than the head movement would be.

  7. 1. The walking sounds are audible to your left when you look through your scope.

    This is not a bug. Your weapon and your head are on the right side of your body. So your feet are a bit left of you, and so is the sound.

    I hope that the DEVs will not turn the walking sounds into simple stereo-samples like the shooting sounds. I want that the walking sound comes from the feet and that it stays there even if I turn my head.

  8. On DEV you can lock the turret to a certain position. When you leave the UAV your PIP-UAV-Feed shows the turret how you left it. The system is also able to track vehicles (and maybe units?). So you can let your UAV chase you to get an overview about everything around you.

    I really like these new features!

  9. Make sure you have todays update. Aim down your sights and start to rotate the character by moving your aim left or right. It should be pretty obvious.

    Edit: Try while crouching or prone and it is even more obvious.

    Do you mean the additional "rotation" of the weapon when the character is moving his feet? Okay, I thought that it was in the game before, maybe less visible. But yeah, it is a pretty cool feature! The new Offroads camo looks great, and the sniper rifle camos gives some more diversity.

  10. Yep, R/C helicopters often turn their rotor even more to the banking direction so that they will accelerate until they hit the ground.

    There is a reason why hovering is one of the most difficult manouvers with a helicopter. You always have to stop the helicopter from tilting into a random direction and fly away. With your idea of a helicopter that is stabilized by gravity and the weight of the fuselage hovering would not require any input of the pilot.

  11. Hi,

    BIS is currently working on some new features regarding the weapon handling, especially at fast rotations. I would like to share my idea how this problem could be solved.

    In Arma you can controll three parts of your body independend from each other. You have the legs, the upper body with the weapon and the head.

    We could simply use these three different parts to make the weapon handling better and to make lighter weapons more attractive for CQB.

    So here are my steps for a horizontal rotation:

    #1 - The real player moves his mouse fast to the left or right

    #2 - The head and the view of the soldier should move 1:1 with the same speed as the mouse in the correct direction. Of course this rotation is limited by the maximum angle of the head.

    #3 - At the same time, the legs of the body start to rotate 1:1 with the mouse, but this time with a limited maximum speed. This speed should be dependend on your inventory load or weight and also the fatigue level.

    #4 - At the same time, the upper body with the weapon starts to rotate 1:1 with the mouse, but at a lower maximum speed. This speed should be dependend on the weight of the weapon+attachments or the weapon inertia.

    So, what are the results? With this system the maximum rotation speed of the camera itself is not limited until you turn about 120°. This would be not as restricting as other solutions. But you have to consider that you legs are rotating a bit slower. That means that you cant make a full 360° rotation in a splitsecond. The speed for a full rotation is now dependend on the inventory weight of the character and also his fatigue. This would give players with a lighter gear and a good stamina management a great advantage in close quarter battles. They can also change their direction faster while running. And as third, the upper body with the weapon itself also has a limited rotation speed that is dependend on weapon parameters. This would make small weapons much more attractive for close quarter combats than heavier ones.

    In the end, your character can make a 120° rotation of his head with no limitation. But the weapon and the legs will always be slower. The player will have to wait a few splitseconds until his sights are on the target again. The weight of his gear and the size of the weapon would be much more important to be effective in CQB.

    I hope that BIS will implement a system similar to this.

    Let me know what you think.
