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cezary gaska

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Everything posted by cezary gaska

  1. Hi All.. Anyone know how to make Blackhawks by YuraPetrov ---- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131380-Blackhawks-by-YuraPetrov ---- working with Mando Missile? Right now this mod not working with mando missile - all uh-60's have no flares when you have mando missile mod.. What config.cfg i have to create , what line i have to copy ..? Help pls.......
  2. Thank You Very much.... for help with this...i w'll check it right a way.. Now... Is it posible to make other 3rd party add ons like csla mig-29 - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13355 -or- http://www.arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=3997 compatible with mando mod?.. By putting they names into init.sqf? because those and some others vehicles witch i need for my mod i'm making dont have a flares with mando mod.... ---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 15:33 ---------- Ok .... , There is 4 pbo's in yuri uh-60: dk_160thosar_pilot.pbo norm_dbo_mh60l_fastrope.pbo uh60.pbo yup_bhsounds.pbo i did unpack uh60.pbo with pbo view there is many folders etc. In folder scripts i found 4 sqf files: flares.sqf init.sqf init_MH60L.sqf rotor.sqf i did open init.sqf and there is this line: _heli = _this select 0; [_heli] execVM "\uh60\scripts\rotor.sqf"; Now... i did put your lines just under this lines after pressing enter first Then i puck it back to pbo file with BinPbo personal Edition from Bi tools2, then i use this uh60pbo to replace original uh60pbo in my mod folder in arma 2 OA.. When entering the editor there is no Yuri uh-60's at all.. I'm sure You have enough of people who do not have your scripting knowledge but pls... what i'm doing wrong?...
  3. ok i got it... Thank You again Mikero..
  4. Thx You for quick replay Mikero. I'm just trying to speed up town creating process.. i made 41/41km island its allmost ready now. It took me many months To create towns, vilages, road networks. Now i'm making new map 100km/100km and i have a headache when i thinking obout doing it again. So i/m trying to copy some towns from chernarus map i will change them totaly. It just quicker way to build new map... I will try your depew software... Thank You...
  5. Thank You for quick replay RKSL-Rock. Can You tell me witch line and where, to witch cfg file i have to add it pls..
  6. Helo everyone. I have problem with flares when adding rksl flares or mando missile mod All air vehicles originaly made in game work fine with mando mode they all have flares. But when i'm adding some Comunity made air vehicles like uh 60 with wings and f 18 super hornet and mig 29; they have no flares.. With mando missile removed they have flares. Same thing with rksl flares. Can sameone tell me how to fix this pls. I can edit and change script in mando but dont know witch line. Pls help...
  7. cezary gaska

    arma 2 Mando missile

    Hi Gnat. Thx relplay. I will try mando missile. By the way .... your su 33 have no flares without mando mis..
  8. Ok. Guys... I got some mods like uh-60 blackhawk with wings, ah-6j with acu camo, ch-47 desert camo etc ... When i adding mando missile mod to game everything work fine with most of the vehicles but.. Some air vehicles dont have flares ... Withaout Mando m.. they have flares.. Now.. Can someone tell me why mando mis.. disable not compatible with it air vehicles flares? And how to fix that anyway... Help pls thx..
  9. cezary gaska

    arma 2 Visitor 3 Problem

    ok i dealed with all problem by instalind newest version of bi tool for everyone who got same problems like i hade - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools_2.5 And God bless you All....
  10. Helo Everyone.. I have a problem... I just made map in l3dt standart edition.. I have highfield , atribution, light, water Salnity Teerain normal, shadow, spectacular, Texture and Design maps.. I did save highfield map in xyz file, then i did put it to visitor 3. I can enter buldozer but my map is blank white.... How can i imported to visitor 3 with my textures i made on l3dt?.... I was trying to put Layer.cfg from this tutorial" http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mondkalb's_Terrain_Tutorial "and mask Layer.png from atributes map {l3dt} and Sat mask.png from texture map{l3dt} into visitor 3 and its not working it saying error loading map atributes... Help pls
  11. ok i just unpack all pbo's files from arma2 operation arrowhead , pmc, and british...add ons with arma2p 2.5.1 but buldozer canot load type 49 from oa and types 50 from mikebart's veg... So i'm trying to run convert48.cmd - still not working so i'm trying to run convertp3d.exe - still noy wrking... Damn............ I need some help here Guys pls Help....
  12. cezary gaska

    Buldozer 49p3d and 50p3d

    Ok.... but why convertp3d and convert 48.cmd not working like they suppose to.. Any way ... Thank you very much for help... I w'll Try it ---------- Post added at 18:00 ---------- Previous post was at 17:21 ---------- Thank You Very Much man , You are the Man... operation aroww.. 49p3d and mikebart's 50p3d work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now i can finish my damn map... Thank You again....
  13. cezary gaska

    arma 2 Visitor 3 Problem

    ok.... i just figured out that buldozer canot handle type 49 p3d form OA and type 50 p3d from mikebart's vegetation... I'm trying to fix this but have no idea how... I have arma 2 p 2.5.1 i have Convertp3d and convert48.cmd to... thay saying wneh i;m opening convertp3d it will convert all 49 and 50p3d to 48 so i;m doing that but stilll mikebarts and oa files not working in budozer so i'm trying convert48.cmd still nothing... Damn... Anyone help pls.................
  14. cezary gaska

    arma 2 Visitor 3 Problem

    rg that.. i just did.. and buldozer canot load mb tree , canot load any of mb files it saying bad version 50 p3d....? any ideas? ---------- Post added at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 13:56 ---------- My map is 41x41km 2048x2048 i made it in l3dt By the way Arma 2p work great... ---------- Post added at 14:00 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ---------- Everything - mask and sat map works great from l3dt but... textures are low res low quality so i need to put my own i have 100's of hi -res textures i just need to find wright tutorial for puting them into visitor ---------- Post added at 14:03 ---------- Previous post was at 14:00 ---------- one more thing buldozer canot load mikebarts files and OA files like some bushes it saying for mb files - bad version 50p3d and for OA files bad version 49p3d
  15. cezary gaska

    arma 2 Visitor 3 Problem

    ok what name to this folder i should give? and i have to be one folder with: Mb_bush, Mb-rocks, Mb_clutter Inside? or al those folders directly on P:\ ?............ ---------- Post added at 13:05 ---------- Previous post was at 13:02 ---------- i'm using Arma 2p wright now to unpack all pbos in the right way from arma 2 , arowhead, pmc, and british... add ons is it realy puting al the pbos folder in the right place like thay have to be?.... ---------- Post added at 13:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:05 ---------- there is one very important thing...... i reilise that.. when i'm using arma 2 oa editor and any island from any creator and i puting lot of stuff on the map like trees, building etc, game is slowing dawn like hell when i'm puting all that stuff in the visitor 3 and then traying the map with all that stuf in editor game is working very fast- starnge... but thats way i have to put all the stuff in visitor first then only units armor end planes and soldiers in editor..
  16. cezary gaska

    arma 2 Visitor 3 Problem

    Thank You Very Much!!!!!!!!..... Everything works... You are The Man.... I have only one more problem and i will be ready to build my mission in visitor 3..... I got all Mikebart's veg, rocks, bush, cluter, trees,........now... where i have to put them ? to use it in visitor3 so buldozer can work with it with no problems? What folder, where i have to create? i have config.cpp for mb cluter. mb rocks, mb trees as welll... Help again pls...
  17. cezary gaska

    How do you edit an existing map??

    I know who is the author i know i need hes premission boy.. But only when i'm using it in public. I need it for my own purpose..You didn't answer my question and that means you don't know nothing about it... If you came for quick replay to show other people how smart you are, well you'r not so pls dont try to teach me boy.. I was asking for help not adivces, if you can not help me, get lost boy.. Wasting my time...
  18. cezary gaska

    How do you edit an existing map??

    HI... I need some help with that wrp converet.. i instaled it i did put that code in to win com line - convertwrp PMC_ulah_yuryakh.wrp 60 pew.cfg - PMC_ulah_yuryakh is map i need to convert ... Process start then it saying: missing p3d \ ca\plants2\t_picea1s.p3d. Other objects like plants2, rocks2 etc are missing to... Then it saying invalid file , closing pew..I have depbo - 4.11 in the same folder where convert wrp is Can you pls tell me wtf is going on? I lost one week for that thing i have enough... I was trying to convert tut sample map form editing map tutorial and it saying no missing p3d files but invalid name pew close... I have p: drive i have all plants2 rocks2 ets in ca folder... Now WTF! is wrong with that wrp converter?.. PLS Help................................!!!!!!!!!!