Well if it's the servers i have tried to play on then damn.
Is no one hosting proper servers then?
Tho i did some searching and it seams the problem is the bandwidth the servers require.
an insanely ludicrous 16Mbps out for 64 players.
That's 31,25 KB a sec per player.
if we convert this to vectors "3d position". 3 floats per vector. one float = 4 byte. giving 12 byte per vector.
That's about 2666 vectors a second. 2666!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me stress how wrong this is.
It's a given that some of this bandwidth will be used for other stuff but it's still way way to much data.
at any given time the server should only send you the positional information for stuff within reasonable distance from your current position and again this should only be the stuff that moved or changed orientation since the last tick.
i'm not far enough in my game programming lessons to know about synchronization and cheat prevention but i seriously doubt this should take up that kind of bandwidth.