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About Asstrole

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  1. Asstrole

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Thanks for the help. I tried the parameters and that gave a few more FPS but not many. I haven't OC'd this machine in a while because it's mainly for work. But I OC'd it again from 2.6 to 3.6 (it's an older i7 920). I had noticed SpeedStep wasn't getting kicked off by Arma so it was running 1.7GHz. Forcing SpeedStep off and OCing to 3.6 Ghiz showed no improvement in FPS at all. Anyway, with Dev attitudes like that I'll move on to something else. Thanks folks.
  2. Asstrole

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I'm just playing the introduction single-player missions. Any suggestions? Thank you
  3. Asstrole

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Just bought this game. HORRID FPS. 16-22. As a comparison, I can run Planetside 2 on ULTRA but ARMA III has to be dropped to STANDARD just to get 30 FPS. Something is very wrong. System is a RAID 0 dual SSD (Intel 320 Series) Core i7, Raedon 6990 (I think) 2GB, and 12GB system memory. Should run better. Wish I'd located this thread prior to buying. No one setting seems to have a heavy impact on boosting FPS. I could swallow it on Standard if it were a laptop, but this is a pretty well equipped workstation.