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About Easterlily

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I've done that too. Doesnt work. ---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 16:18 ---------- Hmm. Magically it works now, even though I tried the same thing over and over. Well well.
  2. So how do I use this variable? I tried the following in the activation of a trigger: {addrating -10000} foreach thisList But it didnt work.
  3. Hello. As said in the title. I wonder - If you, for example, have a trigger that's activating when a unit enter the area. How can you set that unit to a variable so it can be used in the activation, as if I want a unit to fire at him? That would be something like " variable A = triggering unit; " or something like that.
  4. Yup, it works. Good job and thanks. This really helped me out alot!
  5. This actually does it, and it seems to work out well. Many thanks! And dont worry about the bugs, im just happy that I got help so quickly. Finally I have two questions. There are those black consoleboxes that appears whenever I enter the trigger and when the unit spawns. Are those suppose to be there or is that a bug? And, If I want the spawned group to move to a distant target by following the roads, how should I do that? (ex, from Camp Rogain to the Firing Range)
  6. Activation BLUEFOR. Yep
  7. Hmm. Nope, I tried with both the helper arrows and the flag poles. Didnt work for me either.
  8. Nevermind. Didnt see your last post* * Also, I saw that you spelled wrong in the first code ---------- Post added at 22:18 ---------- Previous post was at 22:08 ---------- Alright. Everything should be set as you told me but it doesnt seem to work. My only thought is that I'm doing the Marker_1 and Marker_2 wrong. What I do is, I go to the marker creator. Create two of the invisible markers, pretty close to each other just for testing. I name one of them Marker_1 and the other one Marker_2. Is that how I should do, or is that not it?
  9. Great. Ill try it out immediately.
  10. Alright thanks a lot for helping me out. However, I have one question. You tell me create these .sqf's, but where do I put them?
  11. Hello there. I have an idea of a map and im currently trying to create one, even though im not that experienced with either Arma 2 or Arma 3 editors. However, this is the deal. I want to make, for example a firegroup, spawn at a certain area of the map, and then they will spawn on a trigger that issues them to move to a certain waypoint. And I want a new firegroup to spawn at the exact same location and keep doing this in waves of, for example one minute. When I read this myself I guess it might be hard to understand what I'm talking about but I just figured out a example. Most of you guys have probably played League of Legends or any DoTA-based game. I want to make the Firegroup spawn and react exacly as the minions do in those games.