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Everything posted by tuvlord

  1. Hello guys I'm a scenario creator, but the scripting is not my best skill. Still, I think I think I encouter a bug. I've made a scenario with CUP where west and east units are friendly yo each other, and hostile to independant. I've made two howitzer (m1 and m2, bluefor) to fire on a target (marker1 position) , with this script in a trigger if indep unit are present in the trigger (with a small random radius): call{[] spawn { for "_i" from 0 to 5 do { _temps = random 2; _radius = 25; _center1 = getMarkerPos "marker1"; _pos1 = [(_center1 select 0) - _radius + (2 * random _radius), (_center1 select 1) - _radius + (2 * random _radius), 0 ]; _pos2 = [(_center1 select 0) - _radius + (2 * random _radius), (_center1 select 1) - _radius + (2 * random _radius), 0 ]; m1 doArtilleryFire [_pos1, getArtilleryAmmo [m1] select 0, 1]; sleep _temps; m2 doArtilleryFire [_pos2, getArtilleryAmmo [m2] select 0, 1]; sleep 10;} }} And to set west and east to be friendly, I've set in a logic entities game logic: WEST setFriend [EAST, 1]; EAST setFriend [WEST, 1]; But the artillery doesn't fire. I've try to find why, and I've found that the only reason why it doesn't fire is the "WEST setFriend [EAST, 1]; ". If I delete it, the artillery do work again, depsite having nothing to do with the trigger or the doArtilleryFire in theory ?! I've try to put the WEST setFriend [EAST, 1]; in another logic, in a trigger or on the scenario begining, but it is the same thing. I've try to do it in the vanilla game without any mod, and the problem is still there So, is that an engine problem ? Thx
  2. Thank you for confirming ! Omg since 2014... Sad that was put under severity "none"...