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About uzze

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  1. uzze

    Arma 3 multiplayer issue (hosting)

    Okay, thank you for your reply. I will wait till tomorrow before i go back to war then :=)
  2. Greetings! Today when i tried to host an internet coop game on arma 3 i experienced an issue. There was no room to spawn players? and it isn't only on 1 mission, it goes for all missions. This issue only occur when im trying to host an internet game, if i host a lan game it works just fine. Is this a known issue or? Print: http://i43.tinypic.com/m9lrti.jpg Thanks in advance!
  3. uzze

    Arma3 Videos

    Hello fellow soldiers! I've done a little lol video here when im fooling around in stratis airbase with the pawnee and the strider. I didn't see an already open thread for posting beta videos therefor i posted mine here. Enjoy! ;)
  4. tried driving full speed across the forest to see how long i could last untill a tire went off.