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Posts posted by Qzen

  1. I think I am using the Async.

    _return = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format ["Arma2NETMySQLCommandAsync [""arma"", ""%1""]", _query];

    Well, after changing to

    _return = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format ["Arma2NETMySQLCommand [""arma"", ""%1""]", _query];

    It seemed to do the job.



  2. Hello, I am running a Takistan Life server and currently I am experiencing some desync on the server while people are downloading the mission file.

    The server is running on:

    Intel Xeon E5-1650 3.2Ghz

    64Gb RAM

    2x Hitachi HDS72302BLE640 2Tb in Raid 1

    1 Gbit internet connection

    My current bandwidth file looks like this.


    I have been playing around with the settings in my bandwidth file but I cant get rid of that small desync.

    And my BattlEye script-log ended up being 1.3Gb after the server had run for about a day. Is that normal?

  3. I still have the same problem with the mission getting stuck at "Reading mission...".

    I have no idea what I might be missing on the server.

    All the MySQL, SQLite, .NET Framework and VC++ Redist is matching what I have installed on my computer.

    And as of now the folder layout is the same as on my computer.

    The addons are copied over the same way as they are on my computer to the server.


  4. Well, this is weird.

    It works on my computer but on the server it doesn't.

    It gets stuck at "Reading mission..." and the log just stops there but the process isn't saying "Not responding".

    So is it possible that the server might be missing any of the dependencies? In that case what dependencies might it be?

    As I said before, the server is running .NET Framework 4.5, MySQL Connector and the latest MySQL server.

    What else do I need?

  5. For some reason I cant get this to work.

    This is my Arma2NET log-file


    And this is my Arma2NETMySQL log-file

    Info: 00:26:10 - Logging started in directory: C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Local\Arma2NETMySQL/logs/
    Info: 00:26:10 - Arma2NETMySQL Plugin Started.
    Info: 00:26:10 - Version number:
    Info: 00:26:10 - Loading databases...
    Info: 00:26:10 - Databases.txt file loading in from: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Databases.txt
    Info: 00:26:10 - Type: mysql Database: arma3 IPAddress: Port: 3306 Username: arma Password: NotShownForSecurityReasons

    I downloaded the Arma2NET MySQL plugin from the link supplied on the first page (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ngix8aunt9nnwj7/ZHt1agEeM0)

    I have tried on both my computer and my server, with the same result.

    Both my computer and my server are running .NET Framework 4.5

    This is where the files are located within my Arma 3 directory.


    And as you see the Databases.txt is located in the Arma 3 directory and is found by the extension.

    Would be awesome if any of you guys could help me figure this out.

    // Qzen

  6. I am working on adding a function to iniDB that returns all the variable names in a specific section in the ini-file.

    In the VC++ Project I have added this code:


    bool Ini::ReadAll(char* file, char* section, char* output, size_t outputSize)
    if(GetPrivateProfileSectionA(section, output, outputSize, file) == NULL)
    	return false;
    if(GetLastError() == 2)
    	return false;
    return true;


    if(_stricmp(func, "readall") == 0)
    char* file = strtok(NULL, ";");
    char* sec = strtok(NULL, ";");
    if(file != NULL && sec != NULL)
    	char realFile[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    	sprintf_s(realFile, MAX_PATH, "db\\%s.ini", file);
    	//logger.write("inidb.log", "read[%s, %s, %s, %s]", logger.dirFile(realFile), sec, key);
    	char trueValue[512] = {0};
    	if(Ini::ReadAll(logger.dirFile(realFile), sec, trueValue, 512))
    		if(_stricmp(trueValue, "c0f916b469c17e0f967c6774e0d837fac0f916b469c17e0f967c6774e0d837fa") == 0)
    			strncpy(output, "[false];", outputSize);
    			sprintf_s(output, outputSize, "[true, '%s'];", trueValue);
    	strncpy(output, "[false];", outputSize);
    //logger.write("inidb.log", "result: %s", output);

    There is a problem with this code and that is that it only returns the first variable in the section.

    And it returns it this way:


    I need it to only return the variable name.

    So I am wondering if anyone knows how to make it return all the variable names in a array so I can later parse it in my SQF scripting.
