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Everything posted by Tulkor

  1. It is definitely not my PC. This game runs flawlessly in SP. It is the multiplayer end that has bad performance. There is less teleporting friendly units but the framerate generally runs around 25-35 in open, unpopulated areas, and around 15-20 in major towns. I've yet to come across a server where my framerate went up. If anything, I stumble upon a completely crap server and my FPS goes down even further.
  2. Wasteland is fun...or rather Wasteland in Arma 2 is fun. I always stumble across Wasteland servers that lack weapons and vehicles for some reason. It is also the fact that this map is so huge that a server with even 50+ people in uneventful unless you mark on the map where you are.
  3. Tulkor

    First person only servers

    I like the tactical servers that do this. However, the performance of these servers is very low and with a low FPS in 1st person mode...I get a headache.
  4. I am running with a 560 Ti, i5 3570k, and 8 GB of RAM. The game runs practically flawless in Single player on mostly high settings as long as view distance is properly adjusted. I don't see the point of going more than 3,000 or so. I can run steadily at 40-60 FPS. There are plenty of guides you can find. I have yet to find ANY servers that are running smoothly for me. Some are just outright terrible with players teleporting all over the map and AI with death delay animations. All of the servers I play on put me at around 20-30 FPS if not worse. Adjusting settings in MP do not help in anyway for frame rate.
  5. Yeah the servers I was in had BattleEye enabled. I will try that parameter and joining the other servers for now. Thanks for the response.
  6. Ever since one of the recent updates my framerate has been very low. I used to play on mostly very high settings with my FPS at around 30-60. With the same settings, I logged in today and my framerate was listed as around 3-10 FPS on the menu alone. I decided to auto detect my settings again assuming the patch did something and it helped a little. Now it runs at around 10-20 FPS at EXTREMELY LOW settings. I have an i5 3570K with an Nvidia 560 TI, 8 GB RAM This seems to be related to my processor since even on insanely low settings the game still is not pumping out a good frame rate. Other games like Planetside 2 I run comfortably on ultra settings with 35-60 FPS. Anyone else notice this?