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Everything posted by mt

  1. Apparently there are still some left-overs from the AI fight, even though all bodies are removed (and there are 70AI less to process). In my imagination, it shouldn't be that hard to find the place where the brains for those missing 25fps are spent here. I'd love to see some profiler results of that (in this thread).
  2. Where can I read about the details of these issues? What are they related to? Can server administrators, mission makers or players somehow mitigate them? How? Are you going to fix them and when?
  3. Currently, my imaginatination of the (client-side) engine code is like this: Thread1() { while(true) { ExecuteAllScriptsPendingToTheirEnd(); CauseAIToMakeSuperIntelligentDecisions(); PlanAllAIPathsOnMap(); ApplyStateChangesOnAllEntitesOnMap(); InPartiularMoveEveryBladeOfGrassInTheWind(); SendTheResultToGPUToLetThePlayerSeeAnotherFrame(); } } Thread2() { // generate core load to simulate multithreading capabilities while(true) { sleep(60% of the time); // but not too much, people could get suspicious } } Is this a plausible assumption?
  4. Two and a half interesting posts in a row. Keep it up, Dwarden! So we can "hope" that in maybe some months (but for sure not around release) some larger changes could improve FPS. Up to then, we gotta look for the intel CPU with the highest per-core performance and overclock that to the max. What I still don't understand: How is it possible that path-planning of AI or running some miscellaneous client (or even server side?) scripts is so tightly coupled with rendering the scene? Why do you have to wait for some script (step) to draw another frame?
  5. This topic is basically the only thing I actively follow about Arma3. For me, it decides whether I can enjoy basically ANY (multiplayer) mission in this game in the future. As even the beefiest rigs can't seem to render at a decent framerate, I don't rely on near-future hardware. And what is it, what the SaMatra version does better? As there is basically no AI in Wasteland, it can't be AI. Is it the plain object count? No or incomplete cleanup of objects? (as performance strongly degrades after the first 5min after server restart) Ineffective client-side scripts? Functions one better should not use? ... From my extensive experience with A2 SaMatra Wasteland, the client-side performance is incredibly bad (after two hours after restart), even if you spawn or fly far off the map (with 0 objects around you for miles). What in the engine is it, that prevents rendering more frames? What function appears at top of the profiler call stack? Why don't you just skip these bottleneck functions every second or third frame? As a software engineer, these are some of the questions I'd love to see answered in this mystical blog about to come... (yes, I still have a bit of faith).